Arathion scoffed at Aradla bluffs, while politics was something he wasn't exactly fond of, it was something he excelled in. For all her courage, her words were still a step below her father, the king and Arathion may have been a prince in his homeland but he demanded the respect worthy of a king. As for the elf, Arathion remained somewhat amused at the sudden display of skill of Naelor though the showing also came as another reminder that the city they stood in was disorderly and chaotic. The city in itself was a reflection of the country as whole, divided with various individuals of different agendas. When it was Naelor's turn to introduce himself Arathion took his words as another slight at his pride. Grace could be dealt with in time, her attitude perhaps adjusted when he won the war for her country but the crown prince felt he wasn't being given his proper respect. "[i]You have good instincts but I'm not in the business of dealing with petty criminals. Now I'd remind you that I am Arathion Tassarion, crown prince of the Asur. Surely even a foreigner of the Asur such as yourself know who I am unless of course your education is not up to par"[/i]. Before any more words can be exchanged, another individual arrived, someone that Arathion himself had heard off. The Asur for all their conquests in recent years have fought on numerous continents and its through their success they have learned much. What was suppose to be a legend on the far side of the world had just arrived and complicated matters, a bold hero who humans praise as a living legend among them. The Asur had looked to Arathion in a same light and they would die for him because Arathion would never call upon his own men to do something unless he was not willing to do it himself. If the legends were true this "Messiah" would be quite the ally or dangerous enemy. The crown prince welcomed challenges but as indicated before, the Asur only equipped themselves to fight rebels, not a true army. Arathion turned to his own silver clad warriors and made several comments in elvish to disguise his words as they would let Grace deal with this newcomer as they contemplated their next moves.