[quote=@Cerces22] [color=f49ac2]"I know you guys are very smart, so I won't give you the leftovers until you join. And if you think about trying to steal them, I will call Hephaestus back before you get to close, we cannot beat you in a fight. So what do you say, care to have fun with us??" [/color] She waited tensely to see the Murkrows reaction, she grabbed Hephaestus's pokeball just in case it decided to attack. [/quote] The Murkrow tilted its head sideways while Liz spoke. Was the human really trying to use the power of persuasion on her? What an interesting tactic. Murkrow flew down out of the tree and landed a few feet out in front of Liz and Hephestus. It fluttered its wings after landing and [b][i]calmly[/i][/b] tilted its head again. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read] Fair warning, talking to the Murkrow isn't going to effect your odds at capturing it. But if you do capture it under these pretenses, you've already promised over the leftovers.[/hider]