[h2][center]Silias Aeson[/center][/h2] [@Spirit] [hr] The more that Silias thought to himself, the more he realized the depth of his folly. Yes, he had raised a valid question. Yes, he had no way of knowing what had led her to join the faculty of the Arcanium. However, emotionally unbalancing a teacher right before her first class of the year was not only a possible detriment to his learnings, but to his relationship with said teacher. If she was less willing to tolerate his presence, it would be considerably harder to learn more about her native culture. And considering the context clues in her response, it was likely that getting past that barrier would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible for her to accomplish. In other words, he could be screwing up his singular chance to learn about it. Silias got up from his desk as calmly as he could manage and walked up to the Rune Weaver's desk. Upon reaching it, he spoke quietly and sincerely. "I'm sorry for my ignorance. I did not intend for you to relive what were clearly uncomfortable memories, but the fact remains that I have. If you require any assistance, I will gladly offer it to the best of my ability."