[color=92278f][center][h1]Leta[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fvHmYRC.gif[/img][/center] [hider=Full Image] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ps54WPH.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Staff of the Feather] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Fdfid8p.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 17 Leta of Reach, first of his name. Leta, given to him by his mother and father long since laid to rest. Reach, the name of his home, the floating city of the west. The first and only. Where the Wingdred passed the days, away from the hands of those below. It had stood since time immemorial. Biography: Leta was an orphan, left on the alter of a priest of the feather. There he grew, learning magic, and harnessing his ability to control his wings, becoming closer and closer to the angels. Leta excelled past his brethren, eventually working his way toward the right hand side of The Archduke. There he has served without fault. Recently, the archduke has sent Leta on his first solo mission. To provide aid for a resistance force in any way he and his small band can. It was not Leta's place to ask why, only to fulfill the will of the gods. Personality: Leta has been sheltered, raised among serious men. He does his best to reflect that. He doesn't understand fun, see's it as a waste of time, and believes it would be better spent in prayer. Leta wants nothing more than to prove himself to the church. Leta is not battle hardened yet, but has a keen eye for strategy. Powers: Leta can fly, as long as his wings are not injured. Leta can harness "the power of the feather", also know as using wind as a weapon. This includes cutting through the air, and pushing objects, etc... Strengths: Leta has faith that whatever he does for the church of the feather is just. Leta has the backing of a dozen Wingdred fighters, although they are only used to help the resistance. He has a tactical mind, and is able to formulate statistically likely plans, when given adequate time. Limitations: Leta has little to no hand to hand combat, and nothing to attack at close range outside of a blunt thin staff. Leta is inexperienced in combat, and is likely to become overwhelmed easily.