Many days have past since Soveliss left Cyrodil, what was once "The Great Imperial City" was now a husk of its former self. Looking back on the days gone, Soveliss was quite satisfied with how much progress he's made. Since his early days of travel in Hammerfell, he made a plan to visit one of many major cities in each province; In Cyrodill it was the imperial city, in Skyrim he was White run bound. Since entering Skyrim from the south, Soveliss' travel has been nothing but hard. Cold winds, vicious wildlife and bandits made the travel even more difficult. But once Soveliss reached the main land, things got much easier. Looking around this new city in which he finds himself in, he feels like his hardships during his travels weren't for naught. Falkreath was the city, or at least what remained of Falkreath, that Soveliss decided to set up camp and spend a day or two. He pitched a tent on the outskirts of the city and waited out the day till he slept.