[@NewShoesForever] [color=6ecff6][h2][i]Shinji Takemitsu[/i][/h2][/color] [color=6ecff6]"Ahh, yes off course. Well our mages have devised a rather nasty suprise of our own.[/color] Shinji walked over to a near by barrel in the command tent and popped the lid of carefully. Using a small scoop to take a sample and allow nephish to examine. [color=6ecff6]What you see here before you is glass, ground far beyond the point of floating on air. Our mages will send this over thier ranks as they advance, causing sure blindness and our Swift victory. We've made eye protection just in case of enemy mage counters.[/color] Shinji looked hardened as he spoke, as if he were already in battle. [color=6ecff6]I've also sent word to a certain enchantments I've heard tell of. I feel her expertise could be quite useful.[/color]