[center] [u][b]Nine[/b][/u] [i][b]"War. Terrible war. Widows. Orphans. A motherless child. These were the results of the fights among us humans. But, I have created the key. The key to end all wars. The key to world peace. After eight fails, I have created the prefect one. His name: Nine." These were the first words that I ever heard. At the time, I did not understand them, though I was created as a teenager. I was created by a famous scientist. His name was Dr. Narasu. He taught me about the world, all the death and wars. But he also taught me the good things as well. Like love and peace. But one day, some terrible happened. He was experimenting with a new found energy, and the lab overheated. It caught on fire, and Dr. Narasu died. I was somehow able to escape, but I lost my creator. The man who was like a father to me. Somehow, after the lab burned to the ground. the world took a turn for the worst. Terror attacks happened everyday, more shootings, food sources depleting, you name it. It began more aggressive. One day though, I hear a call for help. I started to run, my leg starting to carry me at unnatural speeds. I saw someone being robbed at gunpoint, and I tackled the robber to the ground. As the person take out their phone and dials 911, I get shot. The robber runs off, and the ambulance arrives and takes me to the hospital. But, you decide to go with me. After, all it is the least you can do since I just saved you. My name is Nine, and this is my tale of how I became a hero[/b][/i]. [u][i]Roles- [s]The Person Saved by Nine[/s] Bay Guys Who What Nine Dead Mayor Of The City Other People In The City[/i][/u] [/center]