[quote=@Cerces22] Liz silently cursed to herself, she wasn't going to give up so easily. She knew she was about to make a big mistake, but her options were limited. [color=f49ac2]"Hephaestus, that's enough come back!! Arachne, this is our first battle together, show me what you have, just be careful of it's wing attack!! Use Poison Sting!!" [/color]Hephaestus retreated into his pokemon and the brand new spinarak came out, it's horn already glowing. [/quote] Murkrow watched as the trainer took out another Pokeball. She also contemplated running away at the same time. But when a fresh Sninarak entered the field, her bird instincts wear activated. Let's just say, she found a new [i]hunger[/i] for the battle. Her wings lit up once more. In an instant, she was off! With blinding speed she closed in on her prey. Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/4689]Murkrow is Not Impressed[/url] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read] Murkrow's attack will land and bring your Spinarak's Power down by 5 points. Spinarak will be left with [b]4 Power[/b] after this attack. On the bright side, both of your Pokemon will gain a level out of this encounter, whether you catch the Murkrow or not.[/hider]