[@superservo27] Ok. 1. Wearing sunglasses would be hard with a helmet, balaclava and visor. 2. S-Swat are elite law enforcment operatives, on par with the modern day German GSG9, so his backstory doesn't make a lot of sense. 2. Forging a S.T.A.K.E by hand would be remarkably hard, since, as I say again, they are [i]silver titanium alloy CQC weaponry.[/i] There's one company that makes them. 3. As [@Irredeemable] mentioned, dragon breath rounds would not be used by law enforcment. 4. Incendiary grenades are a thing, no need to make molotovs out of alcohol. 5. Incendiary grenades would never be used by S-SWAT because there's the issue of burning hostages and houses.