Shocked by the Murkrow's kindness, Liz put her new Pecha berries in the bag. She walked on in silence for a while,wondering how much father until she was out of the woods, she was hoping for a certain type of pokemon, yet she has not seen one. She hoped that Hephaestus and Arachne were feeling better, but only time will tell if they have completely recovered from the last battle. Her mind once again drifted to her rival, she hopes to see them at the next time so they might battle again, or do something else. They had a warm caring way about them that Liz was unused to from people. She knew with them she didn't have to be so withdrawn, though she doubted she could even if she wanted to. She felt like she almost missed him somewhat, which threw her off even more. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts she was having, and to stay better focused on keeping an eye out for any pokemon or anything else. [@balthazar007]