It was almost eerie how silent Karrsh could be. Of course, while moving his body made a few noises, that was unavoidable. But right now, as he remained still, could pass for a statue if he wanted. His body kept itself regulated almost entirely on its own, thanks to the augmentations. His breathing could be kept deadly quiet, and most of his body could simply rest in a sleep mode to stay perfectly still. For being half-machine, Karrsh could hide surprisingly well. And hide is what he did. Technically, his current orders was to secure the meeting place, but he knew the [i]real[/i] reason he was here, and Green knew it too. This was the one place in the whole plan that remained completely out-of-sight from the outside, and that was exactly what Karrsh had to do more and more of lately. The silence was almost too much to take sometimes. All this staying hidden and keeping away from people just gave Karrsh more time to think. All thinking did remind Karrsh of how utterly non-existent his life was. It could be downright soul-crushing to think about, but occasionally it was also infuriating. Karrsh was a freak, even among the freakshows. He was different, even from the other child soldiers and they all knew it too. But even worse than that, Karrsh's mind always ended up remembering the aliens he'd killed. Those whose lives he often literally crushed in his hands. And sometimes, sometimes... Karrsh [i]wished he was back there again.[/i] At least when he was slaughtering people he had something to focus on, something keeping him occupied so he didn't have to stop and actually think about the horrible atrocities being committed by his hand. But here? No, here he had nothing but time to think about those things. "Tell me why..." he said in a low voice that somehow didn't sound like his normal tone, "...Why are you here? Why are [i]any[/i] of you here? You had a choice, right? So... so why would anyone actually [i]choose[/i] this?" this was not the first time these words came out of Karrsh's mouth. In fact this only one of several times he had quietly questioned the team members who happened to be around, wondering why anyone with a sane mind would actually choose this life when they had an out. It was no secret that Karrsh was not here by choice, that the same offer made to all the others was not extended to him because of his... situation. But his tone and words were not those of jealousy, at least not anymore. Now, they were just... words of confusion. "Uh, never mind..." his low whisper trailed off. He'd heard everyone's story at least once already, so hearing Ace's again would have been pointless. In all honesty it was a good thing for Karrsh that the team even existed in the first place. If they all took the offer, and Karrsh was left to his own devices? Well, a recurring nightmare he'd been having for a while now would become reality. That nightmare was one where Karrsh simply... forgot how to be human, succumbed to the circuitry and devolve into a mindless machine. At least with the team around there was [i]something[/i] keeping the remainder of his humanity intact.