[center][h1][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1196625][color=ed1c24]Katia Lei [/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/HwPQQ6N.png[/img][/url][/h1][/center][hr] [color=darkturquoise]”Please, Katia, deliver this flame to its seat!"[/color] Without ceremony, Katia was thrust from the role of escort to that of torchbearer. For a split second, she hesitated, no clue as to what her friend expected of her, but in an instant, her goal became clear. The light must be borne to the altar on the other side. Ah, it was so simple, and hopefully would dispel the shades as well. The shades... they swarmed ferociously, filling the darkness as waves filled the sea. Fighting them off seemed as pointless as fighting the paladin. Caught between a false guardian of holy power and the power of evil, everything seemed hopeless. Something deep and sinister inside told her that she could end this eternal suffering: quench the light she bore and surrender to the darkness. This world would surely suffer the same fate as theirs, but what did she have left to lose? Her hand hovered over the sacred flame. A twitch would destroy it, and she could rejoin her family in the afterlife. But the determined challenge from Cesar resounded in her ears, the call from Wick urging Theodore onwards. They counted on her to see this through, to bury her doubts and accept her fate. Against odds insurmountable, they must remain steadfast, surging forward for the good of all. She may die in her attempt, but by all the old gods and the new, she would make this attempt. The flame wicked away her life force, spurring her to action. With a primal shout she darted forward, leaping over Birbin to grasp the pillar with her claws. A quick release later, and she bounded between the dozens of shades, weaving in and out and ducking below their swipes. Her shout morphed into a gutteral roar as she pushed herself to the limit, carrying the torch with her and sending the rest of the room back to darkness. The mob of shadows fell behind her, and so did Cesar, undoubtedly soon to be victim to a dozen shadowy strikes, drinking his very life essence away. [color=ed1c24][i]I'm... so sorry, Cesar.[/i][/color] [hider=Mechanics] Katia movement: Katia will disengage as a bonus action, using 1 ki. She then will dash, climbing around Birbin up the pillar to the north and weaving between the shadows. 100 ft of movement should place her 25 ft from the altar, 10 ft from the northern inner wall. Katia takes [color=ed1c24][b]5[/b][/color] radiant damage from the Light. [b]HP:[/b] [color=ed1c24][b]9[/b][/color]/27. [b]AC:[/b] 15. [b]Ki:[/b] 1/4 (Recharge Short Rest). [b]Feline Agility:[/b] Not Available. [b]Golden Surge:[/b] Not Available. Rolls are on Discord. [/hider] Haemar (Next!) [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] - DM