[center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/885255886554057312/D0F60F3F74233F5EE870F698A4E2FA0295896E4B/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024%3A*[/img][/center] [center][h3]"You know what it is that I do for a living, and now that you do, I cannot let you live."[/h3][/center] [hr] It was years since you survived the bloody massacre of your family. Don Lucio Greone was one of the most powerful men in the city, and your father dared to cross him. For that, he paid dearly. You watched in horror, a scared little child hiding under the bed, as your mother, father, and two siblings were gunned down by Greone's men. Years later, after several painful therapy sessions, several restless nights tossing and turning, haunted by nightmares of that awful, gruesome tragedy, you were finally able to move on, but still...the hatred, the resentment burned deep inside of you. One day, you would have your revenge. And then you met her. She was your neighbor, Valerie DuMare, a seemingly normal and charming woman. She was kind, generous. The two of you developed a friendship, which was common among good neighbors, but what you didn't know was Valerie was harboring a deadly secret. That you were living next door to a highly trained assassin. If someone wanted somebody dead, they called her. Her fee was not cheap, but she was worth every penny. She knew the ins and outs of the criminal underbelly, all the big players and the small fish, and beneath her seemingly mundane suburban home in her basement, there lied an arsenal to her disposal. You had no idea of the killer living beside you, that is until one night, you mistakenly witnessed her carrying out one of her contracts. You were afraid. You knew deep in your heart you were a target now, but perhaps... Perhaps instead of killing you, she could help you...help you achieve that long sought after goal...of revenge. And so, you beg her to teach you her ways, to train you to be a killer like her. She is reluctant at first, refusing to pass on her deadly art to another, but like you, she has long since suffered the loss of her loved ones at the hands of another...and desires to see them pay. And so you band together, carving a bloody path through the city, searching for those who have wronged you. Those you and her will one day kill.