[hider=Jem] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/tattoo-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171209/0882ebf782ab8e0653ca0ae133c00839.png[/img][/url] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlashyGiantDodobird-small.gif[/img] [u][b][color=BCEE68]Name[/color][/b][/u] Jemista Tarres (Goes by Jem) [u][b][color=BCEE68]Race/Faction[/color][/b][/u] Ouroboros [u][b][color=BCEE68]Age[/color][/b][/u] Appears to be in her mid 20s but she is well in her 70s [u][b][color=BCEE68]Description[/color][/b][/u] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/TOPyeKcRarB16/giphy.gif[/img] A beautiful tanned woman, with silky dark brown-black hair and dark brown eyes that could seem to bore into ones soul. She found a way to stain her lips red using a mixture of some secret things that add to her sultry appearance. Jem tends to wear things that don't leave up too much to the imagination while also being eccentric, along with a snake typically somewhere on her body; around her neck, arm, stomach. She also hates shoes as they get in the way of being able to feel the ground. But while she mostly appears to be a seductress, she also has her looks that make you wonder if demons are real. After the ritual she gained three levels of snake like appearances, the first is when her eyes become a brilliant gold snake eye. The second is the eyes plush she gains fangs and looses her other teeth. The last are the fangs, the eyes, and then her skin becomes littered with patches of scales all over her body until you get to her shoulders where she becomes fully covered in scales from there up into her face. Her face gaining a snake like appearance. [hider=Her Snake Appearance Levels] [hider=Just Eyes] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/7584d021ac5958e43afc8c3f13647e6a07180b77/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f563256757a55322e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img][/hider] [hider=Eyes and Fangs] [img]https://addictedtohorrormovies.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/from-dusk-till-dawn.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Full] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShrillGratefulBrahmancow-max-1mb.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a89e71686ffeaf7f13dee47c50e13707/tumblr_nwww4nf4Qq1rftd23o3_250.gif[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [u][b][color=BCEE68]Class[/color][/b][/u] Left Ear [u][b][color=BCEE68]Motivation[/color][/b][/u] Help her people overthrow Cordath [u][b][color=BCEE68]History[/color][/b][/u] [img]https://vk.vkfaces.com/622929/v622929928/2589b/-zGej4deypQ.jpg[/img] Found and brought to the Ouroboros at a young age, Jem had always had a draw to snakes. She could often be found with at least one lethal snake by her side. Some of the Ouroboros saw this as the perfect opportunity for an ancient ritual they had found called [i]'The Shedding'[/i]. So they began teaching her how to harness more and more mana while collecting more and more dangerous snakes as years went by. Upon Jem turning 20 it was time for the ritual. The ritual would, if the person was the correct fit, use magic to combine the life force of a snake and the so to speak 'human sacrifice', making the human part snake. Jem happily took the position of the 'human sacrifice' despite knowing she may just end up dying. [i]The Shedding[/i] began with some chanting of some spells and then she was thrown into a pit with snakes. At first nothing happened, then one of the larger snakes forced its way into her mouth after biting her and well... it went inside her. Other snakes proceeded to bite her as the snake continued to enter her and the chanting continued. Eventually Jem blacked out and when she woke up the world was much different than it had been before. The ritual had worked, corrupting her and sending her closer to insanity in the process. After the ritual had been successful Jem spent time training to hone her new magic abilities from being part snake before she was assigned the spot of the Left Ear of the Ouroboros. [hider='The Shedding'] [img]https://horrorpediadotcom.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/tumblr_n2e8vtpuc01rhd1xfo2_500.gif[/img] [/hider] [u][b][color=BCEE68]Strengths[/color][/b][/u] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/267153541/original.gif[/img] + Prior to the ritual she trained herself in sword fighting and some minor hand to hand. She isn't the greatest at it but she isn't the worst. It is a backup to her magic. + Her smell is enhanced by her magic which helps her and the Ouroboros if needed to track down something or someone + Also using her magic she has the ability to pick up on vibrations from the ground, a seismic sense as its called + In a way she is part snake so she can produce venom through the fangs she grows but it also makes her almost immune to poison and venomous creatures + She can also speak to snakes [u][b][color=BCEE68]Weakness[/color][/b][/u] + Is a bit psychotic from her time as part of the Ouroboros, so she doesn't always make the brightest of decisions + Men, what can she say, she has a certain appetite only they can fulfill. Although women definitely can sustain the appetite. + Snakes... she thinks of all snakes as her children and as most mothers are, she is very protective of them [u][b][color=BCEE68]What is the most important thing to know about your character?[/color][/b][/u] She is loyal to her clan but more loyal to snakes. So if someone in her clan fucks with one of her babies... well good luck to them [u][b][color=BCEE68]What is your character's greatest flaw?[/color][/b][/u] Blind following of the leader to the Ouroboros [u][b][color=BCEE68]Why should your character be in a position to influence an entire country?[/color][/b][/u] The Ouroboros should be influencing the country, she is but a cog in the machine. [/center] [/hider] [Hider=Thaleia] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171209/74f65746626eceaadf7080553ef7b343.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/18/b8/fa18b86462d8c24b95f07366189156b8.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=FF3333]Name[/color][/u][/b] Thaleia Heinrich [b][u][color=FF3333]Race/Faction[/color][/u][/b] Kingdom/Town guard [b][u][color=FF3333]Age[/color][/u][/b] 22 [b][u][color=FF3333]Description[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/52/f1/a6/52f1a69c48ef294b63d8ef83139ab56c--marvel-movies-marvel-characters.jpg[/img] Thaleia has chocolate brown hair that is usually a mess and wavy. It contrasts perfectly with her silver shining eyes and pale skin that is littered with some scars from battles and from her childhood. The warrior can usually be found in her armor but when not she can be found in typically what men would wear, so leather boot, some trousers, a shirt of some sort and on occasion a leather vest of some type or a jacket of some type. On rare occasions she can be found in a dress, but it is rare. [b][u][color=FF3333]Class[/color][/u][/b] New Vanguard [b][u][color=FF3333]Motivation[/color][/u][/b] Proving that women can be just as strong as men and protecting the kingdom and it's people. She wants to make it so that anyone like her little sister will be able to survive and thrive in. [b][u][color=FF3333]History[/color][/u][/b] Born the younger sister of three brothers, she learned to fight at a young age. Mainly it was just wrestling but as her eldest two brothers began training for the guard they taught their younger two siblings. Their father helping with the training also as he was a town guard. Her mother though, was not the happiest about her learning to fight. Much rather would she have Thaleia inside helping her repair the clothing she was given to repair as the towns tailor. But Thaleia enjoyed the fighting too much and her mother wasn't going to stop her daughter from pursuing something she wished to do. Then her mother got pregnant again and as the drew closer, Thaleia had to start helping her mother with her business. Even more so when her sister was born, but she didn't resent it. Upon seeing her sister so innocent and pure after birth... she knew she would do anything for her. Years passed and Thaleia grew stronger still training in fighting but she had a weakness. One that whenever she got in a fight with village boys, they knew to target. It was her younger sister Alice. Alice was very much a girly girl and enjoyed working with their mother. The little girl though, dreamed of finer things and fancy dresses. If the boys mentioned Alice they could bring out Thaleia's wild side and get her in trouble. It was around the age that Thaleia did things like this that her family went quite, that they become less heard of... less heard from. All else that is known about the family is that Alice passed away. From what or because of what is unknown to all except the family. The family stayed in the quiet until suddenly Thaleia was a part of the town guard and rumors were going around of her working towards going the Vanguard. [b][u][color=FF3333]Strengths[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://pa1.narvii.com/6424/ec46109fbac8753f697896ecd4d20ed7929c3f14_hq.gif[/img] +Skilled in sword fighting + Skilled in Hand to hand combat + Is quite agile even in armor, it is something she has worked hard at [b][u][color=FF3333]Weakness[/color][/u][/b] + Her family, mainly mentioning of her deceased sister + Archery has always been a sore spot in combat for her + Being compared to Ritza, she feels she will never be good enough to be on the vanguard and doesn't feel worthy being compared to Ritza even if its negative [b][u][color=FF3333]What is the most important thing to know about your character?[/color][/u][/b] She looks up to Ritza, as she is the first and currently only female on the Vanguard. It is quite possible that Ritza could sway her to one side or the other. [b][u][color=FF3333]What is your character's greatest flaw?[/color][/u][/b] Mention of her sister and past can set her off and into a rage quite easily. [b][u][color=FF3333]Why should your character be in a position to influence an entire country?[/color][/u][/b] As a female within the guard, she knows how to stand strong in the face of adversity. [/center] [/hider]