I'm going to go ahead and be honest and say I haven't read the entirety of all of the arguments on whether suicide should be prevented at all costs or whether sometimes suicides should be allowed to alleviate suffering. Mostly because I'm either busy or don't have the attention span the past few days. However, I have seen a few of y'alls points on suicide such as it being impulsive, or it being a choice based on other factors, etc. So I am going to post a 5 minute video below that might give some perspective on a few of the lesser points on suicide. Now, to bring a backdrop to the vid: Back in February 2014, a friend of mine shot himself. He'd already been suicidal before once or twice. One of those time another friend and I drove over to his place and spent the day there to cheer him up. But years later his depression caught up with him, and he shot himself one night, becoming hospitalized for another week or so before he was pronounced dead. Other than his family members, I was his only friend in the city since all of our other friends were going to colleges elsewhere, so I went to visit him in the hospital and met his family, and those ones I'd never seen before either. He was unconscious, and I don't think he ever did regain consciousness again to be honest. But I'm still glad I went to see him. Now I'm saying this because yes, suicide does hurt many other people. Friends and family, in fact most of my high school went to his funeral. But from his suicide, his family began a huge campaign of suicide aid prevention, and they constantly crusade for people to donate money to the cause and still do their best to stay so upbeat. Now does that mean I'm glad he died? Not at all. Keenon was my friend. Nor do I think suicide is right under most circumstances. I've been suicidal plenty of times, honestly. But sometimes a suicide doesn't necessarily bring a negative impact to a group of people or a community. The reason why this story was a backdrop to the video is because below is my friend Keenon's cousin, reading from his journal as he is a suicide survivor himself, and he made this video once Keenon passed. As y'all probably noticed I don't usually post videos, but this one I think is worth listening to because he provides really good points if anyone is interested in the idea of suicide prevention or questions on 'what could be done.' [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrXWsScRC0g&sns=fb[/youtube][/center]