Sometimes it was hard, having no combat potential. Those were the thoughts Bree was having at the moment, a good distance away from the abandoned warehouse where the rest of the kids would be meeting. It wasn't that she was useless per se, but in situations like this, where mobility was more important and the possibility of conflict was low, there wasn't much use for an extra pair of hands that couldn't do much in a fight, at least, compared to the others - she was fairly certain her bodily modifications allowed her to outperform regular humans. At least, that was what she told herself. The others hadn't exactly been forthright with their answers when she asked why she needn't come with them for the meeting. Still, she was ever one to make herself useful, so while they were away, she didn't waste her time meandering about. She did a quick rundown of their current supplies, double-checked the essentials, and purchased any deficits. On the way, she bought ingredients to be used for supper. Her role as a combat medic aside, she put it upon herself to watch the diets of each member of their crew. Her meals were often carefully calculated so as to fit with the specific nutritional intake that was required of each member. It was difficult to do so, at first. The supplies the received from the aliens weren't so plenty for them to spend in frivolously, so she was often forced to make do. Sometime along the way, however, once they began making a name for themselves, she had enough supplies to make meals - actual, decent, meals, instead of just lightly seasoned canned foods and powdered juices. Back at their current HQ - she honestly had no idea how long they'd be staying here, they'd been forced to move locations before - Bree was marinating a steak, while cutting strips of chicken and bacon into pieces. Dinner would be unusually extravagant tonight, but it was well within the budget (or rather, most of money came from her own personal savings) and Bree reckoned that now would be a good time to cook something nice. John seemed excited about the job, after all, and even if he tried to bury it under a layer of caution, he was more animated than usual. So if the job went through, then they could have a feast to celebrate - if it didn't then at least they had something good to eat to pick their spirits up. Bree checked over the dishes in preparation once more. She'd made sure to pick up some of their favorites while she was out. With the dishes still being prepared, and with nothing else to do, set the table, ready to welcome the other members back home.