Still slightly bemused by meeting new people, it took Zeke a little while to realise what Braids was talking about, or even that they did need to go to class. "Um..." He caught up with her, and had a small moment of wonder whether it was okay to hold her hand. He knew the way to the proper classroom by now. Or at least he thought he did. Zeke put a hand on Braids' shoulder, walking with his arm across her shoulders. "Illuminimationist." He was pretty sure he'd said that wrong, but he couldn't really remember all the 'isms' and 'thisms'. He'd picked it because it was about light, or at least he thought it was. "I think it's about how everything is light and some stuff is just darker." When they got to the class, he immediately looked to Viola's seat, next to his, but she wasn't there yet. So he sat in his usual spot and put his head on his desk, looking around. Teacher was at the desk, but he didn't know which one. Was she the airy teacher or a different one? She was wearing different clothes, but that didn't mean anything. "Braids," He whispered. "Same teacher?" She'd know. He still found it amazing sometimes that people could look at someone and just know who they were without help. His fingers flipped over his camera's screen, finding the picture of Viola on the fountain. [@Stern Algorithm]