[quote=@Cerces22] Liz called back Arachne to her ball and continued on her way, eventually she found the edge of the forest and decided that was the perfect spot to crash. She would wake up early and make it to town and see if they had a gym she could challenge. She thought back to her first day as a trainer, it wasn't smooth by any means, but she will take all she learned and do better tomorrow. She pulled out her Pokedex and sent a quick message to Rin. [i][color=f49ac2]Calling it a night, hope your day was somewhat better than mine!![/color][/i] She rolled over preparing to go to bed. [/quote] As Liz prepared for sleep, a familiar sound came from the depths of the forest. It was another Murkrow. Behind this Murkrow was a pack of wild Aipom. For whatever reason, these Aipom were not happy. The Murkrow tried her best to fight off the four Aipom, as they slowly drove her to the edge of the forest with forceful smack downs from their fist/tails. The Murkrow then came tumbling out of the trees and hit the ground rolling. Just behind the pack of Aipom, came the slightly deeper sound of an Ambipom. It had spotted the trainer at the edge of the forest. At the command of the Ambipom, wild pack of Aipom retreated. The Murkrow then got up shaking off dirt from her feathers. She looked absolutely livid and was somehow unharmed. This wasn't the same calm manured Murkrow Liz had ran into before. This Murkrow was ready to rush back into the forest and continue fighting. She was very [u][i][b]rash[/b][/i][/u] indeed. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Another wild Murkrow has appeared out of the forest [b](Level 7)[/b] She is a rash little one, and about to rush back into a battle that she most definitely can't win. If you don't stop her, she'll end up getting herself hurt for sure.[/hider]