[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171209/d4ddc99bc7147c4c835d9b2235300410.png[/img][/url][/Center] The Hemmingway household was quiet. The most beautiful house in the Neighborhood belonged to a well known Script Writer and Film Director, Richard and his family. His wife a beautiful actress. The pair have known each other before, from a young age. But met again, when she auditioned for a lead role in one of his first movies. Sparks flew and rest was history; as they say. The pair had been blessed with a rather large family. Richard was proud of each and every one of his children; the two eldest have left home. Living near by, in their homes. But they visited often, to help look after the younger of the Hemmingway siblings. Each and every one of the Hemmingway children, was enrolled at a very prestigious and private Academy. Richard and his wife, wanted to ensure that each and everyone of their children, would get the best education possible. Most of the residence, younger residence of the manor were else were. It was the week-end. The young teens pre-occupied with their friends and social activities, outside of school and their home. Dean, the eldest son. Had taken his youngest siblings, out to the Park. Having been exhausted from a long, day at work in the Hospital. It didn't dissuade him from spending time with his young siblings. He adored them to bits; he'd always find time for them, no matter how tired he might have been. The only one's left in the household was their housekeeper. Richard himself, whom was in his study. Trying to work on his latest script. But it wasn't coming to him easily, that hour. Writers Block and pressing thoughts, kept him from concentrating on the job fully. His wife, had just been out in the luxurious Gardens of their home. Enjoying the sunshine and some fresh air. Having walked inside of the mansion; Isabella went to check up on her dear husband. To see how his latest master-piece was coming along. With a gentle knock on the beautiful wooden door with engraved roses. Isabella entered his office. [Color=Violet]"Is everything, alright Darling?"[/Color] she asked him softly; seeing the look across his face. He looked troubled. [Color=Violet]"Writing, not going well?"[/Color] Walking over towards him, she draped her arms around his shoulders gently, leaning her head against his. Richard, snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his wife's words. He touched her arm lovingly, giving it a soft rub. [Color=SlateGray]"Terrible, I can't seem to think clearly."[/Color] Taking her hand softly, he kissed the back of it. [Color=SlateGray]"I've also been doing some thinking...it's about the children. It's getting more tiring, trying to look after all of them."[/Color] [Color=Violet]"I am sorry to hear that love, maybe taking a break might help."[/Color] She suggested, as he told her about his writing crises. [Color=Violet]"I was just thinking about them too; Dean's been stretching himself thin lately, trying to help look after them. I also know, Lupe...."[/Color] That's how the children called the Housekepper. Lupe. Or Lupeee if they stretched out the name a little bit. [Color=Violet]"...She's been trying to help. But it's too much for her. She can't do everything around her."[/Color] It seemed like his wife was having similar thoughts to him. [Color=SlateGray]"I agree love, she has done a marvelous job. But maybe tiring herself out, by doing more than her load."[/Color] Richard tapped his chin, with his free hand. [Color=SlateGray]"I think, we might need to consider getting a Nanny. An extra pair of hands, and help is what we need."[/Color] Isabella looked deep in thought for a few moments. Before remembering the last Nanny, they tried to get for their children a few years ago. It had been a disaster. [Color=Violet]"I think you might be right. But let's make sure, she really loves being around children and taking care of them...I don't want a repeat of what happened 6 years ago. That had been a mistake of a Nanny."[/Color] Listening to his wife's concern. Richard nodded his head sharply. [Color=SlateGray]"Yes, of course. I don't want a repeat, of that Nanny either."[/Color] he shivered at the thought. He still wondered how it was possibly a nanny could have deceived so many families, into thinking she had been warm, loving and loved children...when she had been the entire opposite. [Color=SlateGray]"I'll put in an Ad today."[/Color]