[@Fury Panda] (don't write about the glass, that's my thing dude. So is Nicci so don't speak for her she's gonna be made into a sheet sometime soon). [color=6ecff6][h2][i]Shinji Takemitsu[/i][/h2][/color]. Shinji was unimpressed with the birds attitude toward his mages, obviously not but an unenlightened mind. Shinji called for his favorite mage Nicci, a tall woman with long black hair and ice cold Blue eyes. She looked at Shinji and delivered an obviously seductive smile, "What is your desire master Shinji". Shinji smiled back and gave some introductions, [color=6ecff6] Commander Nephish this is one of our head mages, Nicci Karuga. She helped come up with this idea.[/color] Nicci smiled and started to explain the powders properties. "You see gentleman the power is so light [i]Nicci levitated some powder up from the barrel and let it go.[/i] that it hangs in the air for quite a while. [i]The glass dust sits stagnant in the air, it doesn't seem to move down just waft around.[/i] As for concentration on our part don't worry, commanding winds are much easier than trying to hold tonns of glass". Shinji laughed again and clapped the bird on the shoulder, [color=6ecff6]"My friend if you wish to help have your wondered fly over enemy lines and drop bombs from above. recently we've secured a black powder mill and that's given us minor explosives to work with".[/color] Shinji staggered at nephish's claim, [color=6ecff6]Pray tell, what do you think is so much better than a blinded enemy force?[/color] Shinji looked to Nephish expectantly.