When the Kriegsman awoke he had poor recollection of recent events. He thought back to the last period he remembered, not knowing precisely how long ago that was. He could not remembered if the bite had worked. Perhaps he successfully took out the interrogator and had somehow fought his way out? Then, why was he in such an odd position was an obvious question to disprove that suggestion. So, he had most likely failed. Now that more memories streamed in it seemed that they had once again subdued him with beatings. There was far more than the previous one, but the Krieger's reaction was nearly identical. It would again take a long time to get him unconscious, with him falling only when the absolute limit of his biological capabilities were stretched, and then some more. It explained why he still had a twitch every so often, feeling the after-shocks from the prods. Looking across himself he... saw naught but his bruise-blackened nose with the seams of where it was sewn back on a little torn. Draeta also tasted blood in his mouth, which he promptly swallowed to not waste anything. A voice rang out, and it to his dismay wasn't another Krieger or one of some other authority as far as he could tell, another person possibly in the same predicament as him. Or perhaps a ploy to get him to speak, thinking there was another loyal servant? Epsilon had to be careful here, for he didn't actually know anything for a fact. Perhaps all this was a drugged illusion? No, for now the best course of action was to await more stimuli to determine the nature of the situation from. At the moment, he was content to wait.