[center][color=mediumseagreen][h1]E L I[/h1][/color][/center] Eventually, Eli tired, and he stopped running. He was still in the middle of the road. Exposed. Not a position he'd like to be in. He hadn't checked his phone, but he didn't care much. Survival was paramount here, and a little distraction like that could mean life or death. Better to be alert and aware. Scanning his surroundings, Eli briefly took in what he could see: apartment-like buildings to his right, and a giant concrete building to his left, past some cornfields. Cornfields. The hunter made a snap decision, going off-road and making his way into the cornfields. The corn would make for good cover and an excellent hiding place while he recovered for a bit, and calmed himself. Wading his way further into the fields, Eli came upon a building, set smack-dab into the middle of the cornfield. An old, wooden building, likely a shed. Making his way through the last of the corn, Eli made his way in front of the building. It was, indeed, an old shed. Grasping the handle, Eli peeked inside.