[@PlatinumSkink] okay right sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for awhile but i've been doing a-levels and i've been spending most of my spare time either watching crap or gaming (despite telling myself I'll reply here several tmes over the past month or so). Having said that i think I'm going to have to go on hiatus from this RP for awhile. My interest in pokemon in general has dipped in the past few months which has honestly made it less enjoyable writing posts and such. I don't know if I'll return (I may be getting the new moon game for Christmas so my interest may return if you'll allow me back). Anyway yeah, sorry for disappearing for a few months and coming back just to say i'm leaving, I've had a lot of fun with this RP over the past..year or so.. damn I feel old. if you need a IC reason for Lucian's disappearance you can just explain it off that he got called back to Joto for family issues. I'll think of something if I return