[quote=@Cerces22] Liz ran up the biggest hill she could find so she could see if the next town was close by. As she created the hill a swarm of Larvesta took to the sky. One stayed behind, it looked ready for a fight, not wanting to break stride Liz tossed a pokeball in the air. [color=f49ac2]"Phoniks, we may not be as strong, but we have type advantage, let's go use peck!!" [/color] The newest member of the team came out and began flying right at it's opponent. [/quote] Larvesta was already in the middle of a powerful Take Down when the Murkrow was summoned into battle. The Murkrow's beak was just beginning to glow for its attack by the time Larvesta was in striking range. Things weren't looking well for Phoniks. Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/4695]Larvesta's Attack Hits[/url] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Murkrow looses [b]4 Power[/b] in this encounter. She is left with [b]3 power[/b]. What will Liz do now? (Continue fighting? Throw her last Pokeball? Or run away?) [/hider]