The troll under assault by the combined efforts of the enormous wolf and his mistress toppled backwards, its great head hitting the ground with a wet thump as dark red blood spewed onto the grass. Beheading a troll was hardly a common feat, to say the least, and some of the defenders on the town walls looked on in awe. This truly was the work of the Iron Rose Knights. The Order of Justice that destroyed the wicked and protected the innocent. Indeed, now three of the trolls were dead(though one was possibly simply unconscious), and another had fallen, vulnerable to a lethal blow. The orcish forces were failing, but they did not yet seem ready to retreat. And still there stood six trolls on their feet. One troll swatted an unlucky knight to the ground, baring down on him. Even his armor wouldn't protect him from a direct blow, and he couldn't feel his left leg...! Fanilly ducked under a swipe from the troll's clawed hand. It bellowed, perhaps in frustration. The blonde girl was well aware her weapons were not the best suited to killing a troll on her own. But she knew of weaker points across their bodies, places where their natural armor was thinner. Under the arms. The back of the legs. If she could hamstring the beast, too, its neck would be within striking distance! Another swipe nearly took her off her feet, but she jabbed its hand between two fingers. It snarled in pain, but soon was distracted when a hail of icy weapons struck it. "Ah?! Sir Tiral?!" The mage knight had come to her aid! The troll, along with the first of its kin that had been drawn by the arrows and magic bombarding the creatures, began to lumber away... though it was considerably slower, as if reluctant to leave its current foe. From this angle, however, Fanilly could strike its heel and bring it to the ground! And yet... Tiral would absolutely see it. And as a mage, he would have some inkling of what it was. There was what almost seemed like a spark of purple light from a distant treeline, and suddenly a rush of light and sound as something tore right towards the captain and the troll. Only ceasing his bombardment and trying to create some kind of barrier could possibly intervene...!