[b]Full Name[/b]: Asmus Steen [b]Date of Birth[/b]: 1778 [b]Nation Affiliation[/b]: Denzgraad [b]Position[/b]:[b]Military[/b] (Military Captain)] / [b]Politics[/b] (Son of a Vizymr) [b]Bio[/b]: Born to Ditlev Steen, a minor vizymr, Asmus was given a good education and taught the proper ways of combat in a military academy. He joined the academy right as the war began, while his father was one of the first “volunteers” against Constantine, and Asmus couldn’t wait to join him, his father did well and they kept letters to each other while Asmus was in the academy. Asmus’s time at the academy was mixed, he excelled at academic and combat studies. However he often fought with his fellow classmates, for one reason or another making him an outcast. When he graduated at age 18, he was granted commission as a lieutenant, but disallowed to join a new volunteer force. Instead he was put to work maintain a board patrol. In 1801 after the battle of ten fields, he was granted the rank of captain, yet lost something even more precious, his father, who had died against Constantine. From that day Asmus swore vengeance against him and got to work on improving the Denzgraad military.