[@GreenGrenade] (Coding to be added later.) Once they returned to the Sanctuary, and were subsequently berated and dismissed, Kassy went straight to the kitchen. She drank, refilled, and drank a gallon-sized pitcher of water that was set aside just for her. Even though she'd done practically nothing in the battle, her body was tired and she did feel a bit dried out. When Andy and Stephanie stepped in to start cooking, she quickly vacated the kitchen, heading for her quarters as quickly as possible. Once there she shed her suit and flopped into the inlaid pool that she had in place of the bed, letting her legs slide and shift away into a long orange tailfin. Another mission - another [i]failure[/i]. At the very least, she’d avoided getting hurt. Then again, she’d avoided doing anything of merit at all during the battle. Sure, she’d managed to startle the psychotic twin girls into disarray, and maybe save Batgirl from a few bruises. However, Fenrir managed to recover and rejoin them shortly after that. He’d either seen through or sniffed out the fact that she wasn’t an enemy, which tipped off the Dee Dees. Mirage quickly cleared the area to let the real fighters work. Honestly, she felt that her presence on the team was rather useless. Again, the doubt started to fill her mind. Was she really ever going to be more than dead weight? The call for dinner blared from the communication system that linked every room in the Sanctuary, startling Kassy out of a doze. She sighed and surfaced, dressed and joined the others. A small part of her was wishing she had more understanding of how to manage the kitchen. She was good at chopping things and preparing them, but the actual cooking evaded her. Dinner was the usual rowdy affair – cooking for three or four different diets wasn’t easy. Rannik ate nothing with meat, and Magnus seemed to eat nothing else. Kassy herself wouldn’t have minded some fresh fish every now and then, but she was pretty sure the others wouldn’t want to eat it raw. Maybe she could request a lesson in proper cooking? Hopefully the others wouldn’t laugh at her for asking. They made it look so simple. After she was finished, Kassy washed her used plate and set it away. She was quite ready to escape back to isolation, but Andy called for training. Or dodgeball, whatever that was. [color=f26522][b]“Um. Andy?”[/b][/color] She stepped closer, tugging at her curls in a nervous way. [b][color=f26522]“Can I… join you if it wouldn’t be in the way?”[/color][/b]