[center][img]http://baku-panda.org/bounce/OU+matrix+alt.png[/img] [color=silver][b][sub]C H A P T E R O N E : W H A T M E A S U R E I S H U M A N ? / / P A R T I I[/sub][/b][/color] [sub][color=lightblue]Matrix's Music Files//Sample 52B [Ace, 1974] [[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_GMMLULXw]How Long[/url]][/color][/sub][/center] The timeless image of [b]a boy and his dog[/b]. This particular pair was moving through the air. The peel of thunder echoing from the arctic the sonic boom generated when they had accelerated sufficiently to transcend the sound barrier. [i]Present speed over ground: 2,469.6444 kilometers per hour.[/i] [i]Calculating route to destination. At present velocity, arrival in three minutes, forty-eight seconds.[/i] [i]Overflight of inhabited human settlement on the neararctic plain, identified as [b]Arctic Bay[/b].[/i] Just beyond the Inuit village on Canada's northern most frontier, an icebreaker had struck an uncharted undersea mound and become stuck in the arctic throes. The distress had been categorized as a [b]Level 1[/b] threat. The Canadian Coast Guard should be more than adequate in responding to the situation, but the mundane activity of responding to the ship in distress served the purpose of allowing Krypto exercise outside of the Fortress of Solitude. Circling above the ship, the malleable figure shifted. Descending onto the deck, an entirely different form had replaced that of the boy. A cascade of blonde hair fell loose over the shoulders. Long, slender, shapely legs protruded from beneath a black skirt. The white cape framed the feminine figure, as the young woman arrived on deck. An older demographic appearance would be appropriate for human interaction of this kind. Matrix had selected its present physical arrangement in order to suit. "Supergirl..?" An understandable mistake of identity, though their appearance was easily discerned. Kara was younger, and her hair and facial features were quite different. [color=skyblue]"My name is Matrix,"[/color] the superwoman remarked. Follow on questions of note included inquiring as to the status of any injured, but the Matrix selected instead a line of questioning engineered to focus on the priority of getting the vessel re-floated again. [color=skyblue]"Are your engines functional?"[/color] "Seems so," one of the men uttered, "Except the shafts won't turn." One of the blades could be impacted against the surface. The shift shifted, to the port at first, but then listed and rolled sharply to the starboard. The alteration of axis did not appear to conform to the tidal flow. [color=skyblue]"This undersea mound may not be entirely stable,"[/color] Matrix observed aloud. Stepping up to the railing, the woman peered down into the dark water. [color=skyblue]"I will return momentarily,"[/color] she offered, before rising up into the air and then plunging into the water below.