A man's face became visible and though he was smilimg, it looked very unpleasant. "Quite a ship you have thee, missie." He said to you. "How about you let a real pilot fly it home?" Space pirates. At that moment the ship beeped and a second shuttle appeared in front of yours. Your shulttle's automatic systems decided it was too close and to avoid collision it slowed down and stopped. The ship behind you parked itself closely as well. The shuttle now assumed it was in a traffic jam and wouldn't budge anymore. You'd have to override the automatic flight and get out yourself. If you tried to send out a signal, you were too late. Some kind of scrambler had been activated. "Now now," said the man on the screen. "No need to worry. Just let us aboard your ship and we'll allow you to use an escape pod." Weapons were activated on the back shuttle as a warning you'd better co-operate. Hensen looked at you, terrified.