[@barnowldaddy] Sorry for the delay, but I've come to my verdict. First I'd like to display some things I read about Interpol. Like this on the link Spriggs posted. [quote] ...Contrary to the way it is frequently portrayed in popular culture, Interpol is not a supranational law enforcement agency and has no agents who are able to make arrests. Instead, it is an international organization that functions as a network of criminal law enforcement agencies from different countries... ...In the event of an international disaster, terrorist attack, or assassination, Interpol can send an Incident Response Team (IRT). IRTs can offer a range of expertise and database access to assist with victim identification, suspect identification, and the dissemination of information to other nations' law enforcement agencies. In addition, at the request of local authorities, they can act as a central command and logistics operation to coordinate other law enforcement agencies involved in a case... [/quote] And this from the interppol website's FAQ page. [quote] Does INTERPOL send agents around the world to arrest people? No, the INTERPOL General Secretariat does not send officers into countries to arrest individuals. All investigations and arrests in each INTERPOL member country are carried out by the national police in accordance with national laws. Each member country has an INTERPOL National Central Bureau(NCB) which is staffed by highly-trained law enforcement officers and acts as a designated contact point for the General Secretariat and other member countries. Any arrests are made by national law enforcement in accordance with national laws. [/quote] And another bit about what their actual roll is in fugitive investigations. [quote] INTERPOL provides proactive and systematic assistance to member countries and other international entities in order to locate and arrest fugitives who cross international boundaries. Activities include: - Providing investigative support to member countries in international fugitive investigations; - Developing and implementing focused initiatives such as Operation Infra; - Coordinating international cooperation in the field of fugitive investigations; - Delivering training and conferences; - Collating and disseminating best practice and expert knowledge; - Providing operational support and assistance to the searches for individuals wanted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes by INTERPOL member countries, UN tribunals and the International Criminal Court. [/quote] You did mention that Shi-Long Lang was the basis for this character. However, interpol is frequently characterized in fiction as some kind of supranational terrorist fighting organisation. Their "agents" are usually just experienced cops and detectives who are behind the back lines planning strategies and monitoring operations. They don't even arrest people. However, it would be very possible for Denis to work for an international spy agency that might work closely with Interpol. This would let Denis investigate those crime rings on the personal level that is implied in your character sheet. So if you could make him work for a spy agency (there are tons, you can just make one up) and change his talent to "Infinite spy" or "infinite Espionage agent," I can accept him.