Ardiane looked after Kiki, forlorn and terrified. As such, Cas dropped the persona and blew her fringe from her face with a heartfelt puff. "Alright then. Where did that mewling child throw my dagger? Paid good money for that thing, and I'll be damned if I lose it." She kept grumbling like this for a good length of time, until she found the dagger in the flickering light. "Finally!" Cas tugged on her hair, the length Ardiane usually had it, and her lip curled in disgust as she chopped it off, making sure the dagger was still sharp. When she was done, she shifted again anyway, to Hymn and back, so her hair would be the right length. Readjusting her clothes to compensate for what she lacked, Cas wandered over to the goliath, feeling shorter than she normally did next to his bulk. "So, big man, need someone slim, lithe and gorgeous to check that hole for you before you get your fingers in?" She wore smile #23, deserved arrogance, while looking him up and down pointedly. "I don't think you'll fit." With a hand on his arm, she ducked past him to peer through the hole at whatever lay beyond. She thought she could make something out, perhaps an outline or something, but she couldn't tell what just yet. "Can the torch bring the light over here?" She turned around, addressing the group. "And stop looking at my fine butt."