WIP: [hider=Rapunzel][center][img]https://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__anya_original_drawn_by_j_k__4a03c63caad167acb3568e46c6f6f8f4.png[/img][/center] Name: Anya Kazashi Age: 17 Gender: Female Height/Weight: 176cm/[REDACTED] (“S-Shut up, it’s my hair, okay?!”) Personality: Shy but by no means timid, Anya is a girl who doesn’t do very well in social situations, but is never hesitant to speak her mind. After the bullying she experienced as a child, Anya is usually quite surprised when she finds herself in a situation where someone actually wants to talk to her, and has a tendency to try to hide herself behind her hair as a way of going unnoticed. That same hair causes her no end of shame and embarrassment in her mind however, and she often becomes embarrassed or doesn’t know how to react when someone compliments her on it. More than anything, Anya wants to become a hero to prove to everyone she isn’t the little girl who got called “Medusa” anymore. But first she has to prove to herself that she can. Biography: Japanese-born-Russian, Anya is used to standing out amongst her friends and peers. Part of this is her unusual height for a girl her age, but the bigger part is her beautiful golden locks. No matter where she goes, Anya’s hair always seems to be the first thing people notice about her, but that wasn’t always a good thing. Ever since her Quirk manifested as a child, Anya’s hair has been difficult to control. Literally. Before undergoing [i]extensive[/i] Quirk Therapy, Anya’s hair used to lash out randomly in all directions without any input from her, reacting to anything in it’s range like a rabid attack dog. This understandably made the parents of other kids afraid and concerned for their children, and in time the news had circulated amongst her class that you should avoid Anya Kazashi. Called names like “freak”, “defective” and “Medusa”, Anya was teased and bullied mercilessly all throughout elementary school, with the bullying only becoming worse when people found out she still couldn’t control her hair after undergoing the mandatory Quirk Therapy. It took Anya many years of frustrating training to learn how to stop these seemingly random fluctuations, and many more after that to learn how to control them. Each follicle requires individual attention, and commanding a strand of hair to “move” using only the wave-like motion generated by the sudden transition from flexible to rigid requires a lot more effort than simply willing it to do so. While the use of her hair may seem as natural to her as the movement of a limb, that’s only thanks to the thousands of hours Anya spent memorizing and experimenting with different combinations of flexibility and rigidity. Even now her long hair can still cause her no end of grief in a day-to-day setting, posing a tripping hazard and making it painful to sit or lie down if her hair is in the way (this may be why Anya sometimes has trouble sleeping). After all this difficulty and pain, Anya understandably doesn’t view her Quirk in a positive light. But even so, by the end of middle school she’d decided the best thing for her to do would be to apply for the hero course. Not only could they maybe teach her how to control her Quirk better, but if she became a hero, she could make people forget the girl who’d once been called “Medusa”, and see “Rapunzel” instead. Unfortunately, U.A. would not accept her, citing her incomplete mastery over her Quirk as a barrier to entry in U.A.’s highly competitive, “Plus Ultra” environment. Just when she was about to give up hope and resign herself to a quiet life of hiding what she was, she received a letter from an unknown school for heroes named “Monoha Academy”... [center][img]http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__anya_original_drawn_by_j_k__743726795db622ff745cf97030d1b5e2.jpg[/img] [img]http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__anya_original_drawn_by_j_k__28b1128e71a4639f671a3e440900adee.png[/img] [img]http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__anya_original_drawn_by_j_k__6fe57fc51b2c0c462290f8ec011fcad9.jpg[/img][/center] Quirk: Coquettish Coiffeur [list] [*]Anya was born with super-long, super-thick hair totally immune to the powers of any barber or comb that she can flex or make rigid at a whim. As durable as diamond and as flexible as an acrobat, Anya’s hair possesses many times her own speed, strength, and power, and can block any incoming attack or lash out at any attackers, protecting the head in which it is rooted from any and all harm. Unfortunately, this same miraculous power that acts as Anya’s sword and shield is very difficult to lug around, weighing an astonishing 3kg, and is prone to tripping her friends and foes alike, causing Anya headache-inducing pain. It also tends to frizz out in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields, becoming temporarily useless except as an exceptionally large batch of steel wool.[/list] List of Attacks/Applications: [list] [*]Hair Whip: A basic application of her hair’s wavelike motion that Anya discovered while attempting to use her power on both ends of her hair at once. By making the ultra-thin tips of her hairs rigid and then creating a contracting motion at the base, Anya can whip her hair about without moving her head, and lacerate anyone who gets in the way of the rigid, needle-like tips. With sufficient training, she may one day be able to focus these hairs into a uniform cutting edge, creating a Hair Sabre. [*]Hair Shield: By making her hair entirely rigid (imagine spikiness on the same level as SSJ3), Anya can create a hedgehoggy shield to protect any part of her body covered by her hair. It works best if used like a turtle shell, though she can protect other areas of her body given a few seconds to prepare. [*]Hair Javelin [LOCKED]: Unlocked after Anya learns how to affect the rigidity of her hairs after they’ve been plucked from her scalp. A long-ranged alternative to the Hair Whip/Sabre, the Hair Javelin is a bundle of hairs coiled into a spear that can be thrown at enemies from a distance. After Keratin Killer has been unlocked, the option to propel the Hair Javelin with the same explosive contractile force will become available to her, increasing this move’s power. [*]Hair Net [LOCKED]: Unlocked after Anya increases her precision control and pain tolerance. By arranging her hairs into a grid-like pattern, Anya can catch innocent civilians, restrain villains, or create a minefield of ultra-thin hairs that prevent forward movement by an enemy. This move causes Anya lots of pain when her hairs get weighed down or stepped on, so using it requires a level of mental fortitude she has not yet achieved. [*]Secret Move - Blonde Widow [LOCKED]: Unlocked when Anya masters the Hair Whip/Sabre and the Hair Net. Using thousands of her hairs to create rigid, fully-articulate “legs”, Anya can drastically increase her maneuverability and speed by commanding her hair to “walk” and “jump” in ways very reminiscent of spiders. She can create anywhere between 4-8 “legs”, saving some for offense, defense, and locomotion. [*]Secret Move - Chrome Dome [LOCKED]: Unlocked when Anya masters Hair Shield and Hair Net. By folding her hair into a dome around her, Anya can create a shield 2m in diameter that protects anyone inside from harm (unfortunately, its one weakness is her exposed crown). [*]Hero Mode - Keratin Kevlar [LOCKED]: Anya’s provisional hero license technique. Unlocked after all previous techniques have been mastered. By wrapping her entire body in her hair and fine-tuning its rigidity, Anya can create a suit of armor stronger than a Kevlar vest that’s capable of stopping bullets and deflecting knives and bladed weapons. This suit is incredibly strong because it is made from many pounds of human hair, which is normally capable of supporting up to 100g per strand of hair, or over 12 tonnes. [*]Hero Mode - Keratin Killer [LOCKED]: Anya’s provisional hero license technique. By adapting the unique contractile motion created by coiling and then heating the nylon fibers used to create makeshift artificial muscles to her hair, Anya can increase her strength and speed dramatically while wearing Keratin Kevlar. Using this technique, Anya can increase her speed and strength as much as if she was wearing a suit of powered armor, offering her a wider range of options in CQC encounters.[/list] Hero Name: “Rapunzel” (evil alter ego “Medusa”) Costume: A skin-tight suit made from her hair; later replaced by Keratin Kevlar Equipment: Her hair ribbon, an ultra-strong rubber band which she uses to keep her hair restrained in every day life Strengths: Her hair, mid/long-ranged combat, excellent speed and maneuverability Weaknesses: Her hair, electromagnetic fields, her powers require a fair bit of concentration and creativity to make the most use out of Misc: The average person only has 100,000 hairs on their head, with blondes possessing the most hair follicles. She has over 300,000! [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQPUywDVwAAeSoV?format=jpg[/img] [b][i]”Jiiii...”[/i][/b][/center][/hider]