Hi guys! Happy Holidays! My sincerest apologies for dropping off like that, and doing so pretty often the past year. My mental health has been up and down, I know that I'm not the only one on this site or probably even in this game that has stuff like that happen. Forgive me! I have thought a lot about the game in my absence, how unique and awesome it is, how much of a dolt I am for slacking off on such an awesome thing with such awesome players. Though we have had our gaps, it's pretty rare for a game to last this long! The first version of this game was on Old Guild! Some of you were here for that! So to keeeeep trucking on, if you guys are still around and still wanting to play, I've thought about how the best way to do that is. I have learned and am thinking that I need to let go a little bit in order for the story to move forward more quickly. Maybe be more open have more chat in the OOC about where the game is going. That way if I drop off, you guys can keep playing the scenes forward, or maybe have one or two of you who can do particular things up to a point in case I drop off again. I think me holding the cards to close to my chest has gotten in the way... I don't want to spoil everything! But opening it up and hearing what you guys think/want to do/what you're picking up on or not picking up on will be helpful and make things funner/better. I also think we could work on some sort of summary together. It has been a LONG time and there have been players in and out. I'm certain that there are probably certain plot threads that were given to players that dropped off a long time ago... And I'm not sure what has been picked up and carried through and what hasn't. It's also been awhile of playing in general. I'd be interested to hear what you guys think is happening in the story and have remembered/picked up on so far, so I know where the gaps are and can fill them in! :D Not sure what else to say ATM. I'll start that outline/summary/list of things I want you guys to know by this point in the game. Cheers! -Eyeris