[@Lasrever][@Sickle-Cell] [Center] [h3] Gamble [/h3][/center] [hr] Gamble had watched the initial match with interest, being highly disappointed that nothing had really happened. The lady definitely seemed to pack sooner interesting augmentations, but he didn't understand Sickle. Throwing a fight that people bet on... Well, he was definitely locking up that reputation of being the most hated man in Boston. But there was practically a riot brewing, though he was fairly certain it wouldn't actually turn into one. Turning from the arena Gamble decided to take a stroll. He didn't figure his match would start anytime soon, being a late additions such as he was. It was then that he heard a scream, as he was near the edge of the building. What sounded like a fight was going in, by the noises he could hear before the screen. Passing through a set of double doors, his eyes fell on the fighters from moments ago. But this time they seemed to really be going at it, and the Tinker did not seem to be doing well. Stepping outside the nullification some, Gamble could feel his power coming back. Looking to the side he saw a trash bin, which he promptly took the lid from. [I] Probability of hitting Sickle in the gut, Ricochet to be caught as I run forward at this distance? Unlikely. 1 in 34000. [/I]Gamble threw the lid like a frisbee, running forward. As he crossed the distance, he saw it make contact and fling upwards. Raising a hand, he felt it land in his grasp as he stopped a short distance away. "It's not nice to make such a ruckus, let alone tear someone to shreds," he called over jovially. "How about y'all just go get patched up, and save the killing each other for a regular day?"