And so Switch ran through the halls of Salt Bay High with as much speed as he could muster. The world rushed past him in a blur. He deftly dodged all and sundry with nary a thought. It was no mean feat to be sure for the halls of Sea Salt Bay High was packed with both students and teachers heading to their respective classes and appointments. A few shouts of protest and indignation at Switch's speed and carelessness were issued by the various peoples here and there though they remained unheard by the ecstatic Salt Bay Turbo member. Never had Switch felt so full of hope before. He felt like kicking himself for not realising it sooner. That Corinne was in the perfect position to help them all. All of a sudden, Switch stopped in his tracks near the tulip garden. A thought suddenly struck him like bucket of cold water. The prospect of the Salt Bay Turbos being saved by a lone girly girl didn't seem to be the best thing for the reputation of their crew. But truth be told, it was the Turbos obsession with their reputation that had landed them in their present predicament in the first place. And so Switch stood there, in the middle of the walkway filled with students in mid transit, with a lost puppy dog like look on his face. [color=red]"Sumimasen, uhh I mean e-e-excuse me. Do you know the way to art class? I'm new here and I don't know my way around. Everyone is walking so fast and I don't want to bother them, gomen."[/color] said a rather cute yet timid voice from behind. Switch turned his heels enthusiastically at the prospect of a girl initiating conversation with him for once. Just like Charles himself, Swich was both shocked and stunned by the sight of her. [color=purple]"Uhh"[/color] Switch said in response to Kimikos query.