[hider=Matu'i O'timbo] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b5/43/f1/b543f109a2d4ee597e2b8c1844236a40.jpg[/img] [color=goldenrod]Name[/color] [color=silver]Matu'i O'timbo /Her first name means Little Great One, after the Batu'i, which is the Lemurians' name for the BAMs. Her second name is most closely translated to 'pathfinder, explorer, discoverer'./ I imagine the humans would take to calling her Maddy, Mads or just Mad.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Gender[/color] [color=silver]Female[/color] [color=goldenrod]Age[/color] [color=silver]33[/color] [color=goldenrod]Birth Place[/color] [color=silver]New Mu, City of Albion[/color] [color=goldenrod]Role/Occupation[/color] [color=silver]Keeper of the Lost Technology/explorer[/color] [color=goldenrod]Appearance[/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/14/6d/51/146d5198b409c7b008a304f3eced3e7a.jpg[/img] [color=silver]Matu'i is not too tall or too short at her 5'5" with a slight frame, but is by no means weak. Years of eluding the Great Ones in search of Lost Technology have granted her stamina and endurance. She is fit and strong despite her size. Her facial features are delicate looking if not for the smudges of dust and dirt she collects during her travels. When she is home without the traces of Inner Earth on her face, she looks young and innocent beyond her age and life experience. Matu'i usually keeps her long, dark hair braided in her tribe's style. She likes it that way, but it is also out of necessity as not to hinder her in performing her duties. Her wardrobe is also one of comfort and utility.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Equipment/Inventory[/color] [color=silver]A flintlock pistol. A machete type blade. At least five Great Ones beacons. Basic survival gear - water, rations, bedroll, blanket, first aid, etc. Various Lost Technology baubles and doodads she keeps on her person until she figures out what they do or are.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Strengths[/color] [color=silver]Matu'i is a skilled explorer, tracker and hunter. She also possesses the 'danger sense' that all of her people inherited by the Ascended Masters. With some it is better developed then with others. With Matu'i it is of average development, but she does possess the added ability to be able to attune with the Great Ones energy and mind and halt their actions if only for a fraction of a second. A skill that has saved her life many a time. Also, as the Keeper of the Lost Technology, Matu'i is tech savvy and a skilled tinkerer. She loves fixing things as well as improving them. She is also very good at identifying tech and it's purpose.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Weaknesses[/color] [color=silver]Matu'i can get so enraptured in her work while out exploring and searching for pieces of Lost Technology, that even her danger sense fails to kick in and alert her to impending threats. When out in the field she often looses track of time and ends up short on food and water, and in areas not conducive to hunting. An oversight she is quite well known for, which is why usually when she leaves Albion she is waylayed by several people supplying her with additional food and water. It is something that has saved her butt on more then one occasion. Something that is true for almost all Inner Earth inhabitants - pretty much every one of them would rather suffer injury or worse than be directly responsible for any ill befalling a Great One.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Personality[/color] [color=silver]Dedicated, hardworking, determined, helpful.[/color] [color=silver]Matu'i is a very driven person when it comes to performing her duties. She loves what she does wholeheartedly and is prepared to give as much of herself in service of that. She is not reckless per se, but has been known to loose herself in her work and forget all else. When she is safely tucked away in her lab, tinkering with her gadgets, she can become so absorbed in her work, she will ignore people around her. Not out of lack of manners, but simply because she doesn't register their presence in the background of her work. Still, when work is not her priority, she is a bright and pleasant companion. Full of stories and knowledge that she likes to share. She especially likes to tell the tales of the olden peoples that inhabited the surface of the Earth once. Stories about the Lost Technology and how their people came to live in Inner Earth. Because of her work she doesn't have many close friends, but she is well liked and people tend to take care of her when she goes on on one of her hunts. Mainly because she almost always brings back useful stuff. But also because they know that she can become so absorbed in her exploring that she loses track of time and runs out of supplies. People appreciate and respect her and she in return tries to honor that appreciation and respect by providing them with the best her position and skills can offer. When in dangerous situations Matu'i is mostly calm and collected because of her years exploring the vastness of Inner Earth with only herself to rely upon. She knows her own strengths and weaknesses and tries to find balance between the two. She never takes unnecessary risks. She is however prepared to risk life and limb for a comrade as well as for a Great One.[/color] [color=goldenrod]Background[/color] [color=silver]Matu'i is a foundling. When she was but a toddler the former Keeper of the Lost Technology at the time, O'den Rak'nitu, found her the only survivor of her village. He took her back to Albion with him and a party was dispatched to the village to investigate what had happened. All the villagers were slaughtered. Men, women, children. None were spared. Matu'i had been lucky. In the commotion some furs and clothes had fallen over her crib and she was never found. O'den wouldn't have found her either had the child not cried out. The party sent to investigate the attack on her village concluded that it was probably a group of humans from the surface. Weapons were used, which excluded the possibility of a Batu'i having been responsible. And since the peoples of Inner Earth did not quarrel with each other, the only other possibility left was outsiders. It wasn't a stretch as far as hypothesis went. Humans from the surface managed to find their way down to Inner Earth on occasion. It was mostly one or two stragglers. Hunters who'd lost their way, or runaway children. The hunters of Inner Earth found bodies from time to time and did their best to bury them and send them off respectfully. It was rare that a whole group would venture into the hollows of the earth. And never a group so violent. It was years later that Matu'i found out what had happened with the ones responsible for the slaughter at her village. Apparently they'd encountered one of the more aggressive Batu'i and had decided to test their warrior prowess on it. A mistake for which they'd paid with their lives. In the City of Albion Matu'i was given a name, a place to live with O'den, as well as a path to walk when she grew up, should she decide to follow it, or strike out on her own. But by the time she was old enough to choose, she was enraptured by the Lost Technology. So she decided to follow in her adoptive father's footsteps and became his apprentice. She was a studious and attentive apprentice and took to the trade like a bird took flight. She was eager to learn and even more so to help and be of use to the ones who'd saved her. When O'den succumbed to old age, she took over as Keeper of the Lost Technology and carried on his legacy with pride and dedication.[/color] [/hider]