[hider=Freiherr von Lochau] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yJiEaQQ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xjDkoXg.png[/img] [hider=Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze...][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfIpBNNRNkU[/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=gold]Name[/color] [color=silver]Friedrich Karl Alexander Freiherr von Lochau[/color] [color=gold]Gender[/color] [color=silver]Male[/color] [color=gold]Age[/color] [color=silver]30[/color] [color=gold]Birth Place[/color] [color=silver]North-western Austria[/color] [color=gold]Role/Occupation[/color] [color=silver]Diplomat, author, retired military official and Habsburg representative in the Hollow Earth.[/color] [color=gold]Appearance[/color] [color=silver] Freiherr von Lochau stands at 180cm with the build of an average fit 30 year old. He has a few scars around his body and a chromium-colored clockwork prosthetic where his right leg should be. His hair is slightly curly and light brown. Strong eyebrows and puncturing blue eyes dominate the top of his face and the noble nose comes with a fabulous moustache underneath it. [/color] [color=gold]Equipment/Inventory[/color] [color=silver] • Can often be seen wearing his formal attire, a tailcoat always kept in pristine condition a black-yellow striped tie. • Old military dress uniform still travels with him for more notable events, and for the occasional nostalgia. • Officer's sword • Pocket watch, a precious family heirloom. • Four-barreled duck's foot pistol in case things get steamy. • Money. Lots of money. State money, family money. Lots of it. • A full bookshelf. • Portrait of Virgin Mary to be kept in a pocket at all times. • Portrait of Franz Josef I to be kept in a pocket at all times. [/color] [color=gold]Strengths[/color] [color=silver] • Highly talented in speaking, writing and generally expressing himself. • Academic knowledge on history, cultures and philosophy. He loves reading a book or two. • Self-proclaimed strategic mastermind, with front-line experience from multiple wars and uprisings. • Heavenly support - God will preserve Austria and her loyal subjects. [/color] [color=gold]Weaknesses[/color] [color=silver] • Fanatic patriotism - While obviously seen as a virtue by himself and his countrymen, it can crowd his judgement and lead to embarrassment. • Prone to alcoholism. • Awkwardly working robot leg that slows down his walking speed and acts as an easy target of mockery for the more technologically advanced British and Americans. [/color] [color=gold]Personality[/color] [color=silver] • Cynical, ever since losing a limb and the Austro-Sardinian war. And full of revenge, you bet. • Perfectionist. • Arrogant, racist and superstitious - Hates the French and all kinds of Slavs. Generally dislikes anything that doesn't understand German. • Loves those Sacher cakes and Wienerschnitzels. • Devout Roman-Catholic - Did I mention how God will preserve Austria and her loyal subjects? [/color] [color=silver]I don't want to go into too much detail about my character's behavior, because I feel like that'll just end up limiting the way I can write about him. We'll see how he plays out once we get to the story itself, alright?[/color] [color=gold]Background[/color] [color=silver] Born as the youngest son to an age-old Bavarian noble family in God's year 1831, Friedrich von Lochau lived the early years of his life in a bubble of conservatism and aristocracy. He absolutely loves the Kaiser, loathes the inferior minorities of the Empire and believes that Austria deserves her place as [i]the[/i] great power in Europe [i]and the world.[/i] And the [i]underworld[/i]. He moved to Vienna when he was fifteen and volunteered to join the Imperial and Royal Army in 1846, after having completed his university studies. During the first years his military career von Lochau vigorously fought to suppress several uprisings in Poland. In his civilian life von Lochau dabbled in painting, political theory and philosophy, as well as the noble sport of hunting in order to maintain his fitness and shooting skills. He married Cornelia von Weißdorf, an eccentric, strong and independent Prussian lady. The couple didn't have any children, because who needs children? Instead our man wrote and published a series of books. Von Lochau lost his right leg during the final battles of the Austro-Sardinian war of 1859, and was given one of the first prototypes of a fully mechanic prosthetic leg the nation's top engineers had been working on at the time as a gift of gratitude for his exemplary service, by Franz Josef I himself. This naturally caused the press to be widely interested of the former officer and gave him a much needed popularity boost to later start his political career. Austria's own man of steel? By God's mercy, yes. Unfortunately, Austrian engineers were in fact way behind countries like Britain and the United States in this field of prosthetics and the leg soon proved to be rather painful to wear and difficult to maintain. But hey, you don't refuse a gift from the Kaiser! A series of strategic failures that came after this ended Lochau's glorious career on the front lines, the life he still longs to. It's one of the reasons he's still so bitter and willing to prove himself. But alas, that's not the end of it. He moved from military to foreign politics and became Austria's diplomat - First to England in 1860, but after a small scandal involving the English press he was transferred from Europe to the Aeraport (following the previous envoy's untimely death upon choking on a Wienerschnitzel). This time he's not only doing diplomatic tasks - This time he's determined to prove himself again by bringing the Kaiser's light and guidance to Hell itself. The year is now 1861 and the Freiherr has only just arrived to his new post. His wife is to take care of family property in Vienna and is therefore not with him. Just wait and see, the double-headed eagle will soon be the [i]biggest[/i] of the big ass monsters in Agartha. [/color] [/hider]