[center][b]Sakamoto Senju[/b][/center] [b]"Shhh, don't you worry now, Daddy won't be gone for too long. I will bring you a little something on my way back."[/b] A fairly tall, white haired man said to the small infant in his hands. Sakamoto still had a hard time believing she was his to take care of, and to raise. Now he understood the joy Zakito and Hiron experienced, and he couldn't have been happier. Knowing he has to leave soon, as he was already late, getting the message over half an hour ago, he begin placing his infant daughter back into her crib, and nodded to the nanny who came to take care of her until Meisa gets home. He heard a small noise from Mayumi, so he bent over and gave her a kiss on her forehead, and as he got up he noticed she was now silent and asleep. Smiling, he went and grabbed his ANBU outfit, made sure he found his mask and left the house. As he made his way to the Hokage's Office, he wondered what mission Hisoka had for him now. Hoping it won't be something too far away, he sped up and soon enough was standing on a rooftop in front of the office. He jumped from it and landed in front of the window, before going through an open one he found just behind Hisoka's desk after he saw his old friend finishing with another member of the ANBU, Harumi. He approached Hisoka from behind with his mask on his head, but not covering his face, placed his right hand on Hisoka's left shoulder and gave him a smile [b]"Good Morning, Hisoka."[/b] He said and took a step back from the Hokage.