[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171205/d7a9a4c54ec36ea54d4ba90499172c4c.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/29/20/312920ccbf858ce8a54a06717c83f339.jpg[/img] [/center][hr] [b][color=c5b8cd]Name:[/color][/b] Jasmine Quinn [b][color=c5b8cd]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=c5b8cd]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=c5b8cd]Country of Origin:[/color][/b] Atrela [b][color=c5b8cd]Weapons:[/color][/b] She has a small dagger she hides up her sleeve. She also has her [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/2/2a/Grimoire.png/revision/latest?cb=20150903162459]Tome[/url]. [b][color=c5b8cd]Abilities:[/color][/b] Her ability and main area of study pertain to illusion. She can enter and control other peoples dreams when they are asleep. There is no sense of time inside the dream world, so leaving others dreams only happens when the person wakes up, or she can hop into someone else's dream, or if somebody shakes Jaz back to reality. Inside the dreams she can control and create everything she can imagine. Outside the dreamworld and back in the reality she can only create illusions. These illusions are similar to holograms, as they are harmless and intangible, but look solid and real. She knows most basic spells, like lighting a fire, or locating lost things via scrying. She has also learned how to change pebbles into coins, but the spell only lasts ten minute. Most of what she was taught had to due with controlling her ability, and making potions. [b][color=c5b8cd]Appearance:[/color][/b] She has pin straight shoulder length hair, and yes the silvery color is natural. Depending on how the light hits her shiny hair it can appear more pink, gray, blue, or purple. Her eyes are the same strange gray lilac as her hair. She is on the shorter side standing at 5'2. She is petite and thin, with a tiny waist and lithe legs. She only weights about 100 pounds, and wishes she looked more like the statuesque dancers of Opalium. [b][color=c5b8cd]Personality:[/color][/b] Most of the time Jasmine can come off as cheeky, or even rude. Do to her history, she has learned to put up a wall between people and her true self. She puts on a confident, and brazen attitude as a way of making sure no one can hurt her. She has also become a tad more cynical then your average girl, do to the many betrayals, and hardships in her past. Her walls come down when inebriated, but otherwise she tries to remain as sarcastic, and relaxed as possible. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those who mess with her. She is truthfully the most loyal person you'll ever meet...as long as she [i]considers[/i] you a friend. Jaz is someone who is suspicious of others, and unforgiving towards those who wrong her. By unforgiving I also mean vengeful, so basically you don't want to mess with her. Then again it is actually hard to get on her bad side. She takes peoples bullshit in stride, and basically ignores idiots. Count yourself lucky if Jaz chooses to be her genuine self around you. Jasmine is a very stubborn, and intelligent woman. She is secretly a bleeding heart, and takes the suffering of innocents personally. Over the years of hiding a persecution as a mage, she has become more sly, blunt, and uncompromising. [hider=Biography] Jasmine's parents, Leda and Gavin met in Voln. Her mother was a performer for a traveling theater troupe called Saffi's Theater. Her father was the newest to join the crew. The troupe was in truth a guise for a mage and Magic rights extremist organization, that both her parents were devoted to even before Jasmine was born. The troupe traveled around the lands preforming, all the while secretly helping harbor and relocate mages. Two years before Jazz and her twin sister Serena were born the troupe was almost caught, so they had to dial down their acts. Gavin immediately proposed to Leda as soon as she found herself pregnant. They got married soon after. Jasmine and Serena were born a whole month early, small, beautiful, and oddly pale. Jasmine was born first, and named after the flowers that had bloomed the night before. Serena the surprise twin, was born second and sickly. Gavin quickly wrapped little Jazz, and Serena up in blankets, and handed Leda their newborn girls. He admitted to Leda that he came from a family of mages in Caoba, though he was not a mage himself. He explained that based on the girls appearances they were most defiantly mages, like his own mother, who had the same silver lilac eyes as the babies. Jasmine's abilities started manifesting early on. Leda and Gavin wanted their girls to have a happy normal life, but they knew all to well about the persecution, and unjust laws that came with being a mage. They didn't want to lose their daughters to the Ivorytower or execution. After much deliberation among Leda, Gavin, and the troupe, they decided that the best why for the twins to lead a normal life in this unfair world, was to make them appear fully and plainly human. Irene, one of the founding members of the troupe, was a mage herself, and was able to create a potion that changed someones eye color to brown. Though the potion had to be taken every week to keep working, and the girls hair had to be dyed every month. These were just small precautions, the real trouble was making sure neither of the twins did anything in public. Irene gave the girls catalysts that bound their raw magic so no accident are exposure could happen. Irene would become their teacher in the was of spells and how to use and control their abilities. By the time the twins were seven, they, their parents, and Irene had left the troupe for a safer life in a town called Mugus in Atrela. Gavin got a job as a brick layer, and Leda worked at the bakery. They all lived in a cottage at the edge of town, and things were happy. Jasmine went to school, and spent her days playing with the other children around the town. She liked to help her mother at the bakery. Serena who had always been sickly and frail, spent most of her time learning magic with Irene at home, and resting. No one suspected anything, and they all slowly made a life for themselves in Mugus. She was ten years old when a demon attached itself to Serena. In a span of three days her sister was gone, and in her place was something inhuman. Irene killed Serena, and Leda went mad at the loss of her daughter. Her only sister, her twin was gone, and her mothers mind was lost. Gavin did his best to cope, and pick up the pieces but Leda was never going to get better, and his hatred for Irene grew with every passing day. Two months later, Irene left in the middle of the night after a fight with Gavin. Life kept on moving, and Jazz's became weaker and weaker as she hardly slept or ate. Her teacher sent her home one multiple occasions for fainting spells, and passing out at her desk. Gavin decided that school was not the safest place for Jazz to be anymore, so he pulled her out. He became paranoid of losing Jasmine to a hunter, or a demon. Jazz spent her days at her mother's bedside. Dark circles under her eyes, and low energy became a constant. Due to the extreme lack of sleep and the typical cold weather that was Atrela, it was only a mater of time before Jaz got sick. She contracted a horrible fever. Her father called for the doctor, and during the examination the docter figured out Jasmine was truly a mage. He gave her medication, and then told Gavin that he would have to report him and Jasmine to a hunter. Gavin full of fear, paranoia, and ale, he killed the doctor before he left the house. He then quickly packed a bag with their essential, and took out the emergency money, and the forged identity papers he had hidden under the floor broads. They ran. The catatonic Leda was making their journey hard, and for the first time in her life Jasmine was afraid of her father. They ended up at a old inn, just a days journey from Voln. Jaz was to sick to keep going, and ran out of potion days ago. Two weeks later she was finally well again, and they were on the move. Gavin had gotten into contact with the old troupe. They met up in Voln, and Gavin left Leda and Jasmine with them. He turned himself in for the murder of the doctor, but luckily his wife and daughter were safe. Gavin was sentenced to hang a week later. The troupe was smaller then it use to be, but Clyde, Alles, and Hank were still their. Jasmine remembered them, but Leda was still lost in her mind. She was only ten, her sister was dead, her father was dead, and her mother was crazy. They only stayed with the troupe for a few months, and then it was decided that Leda needed more care then they could give, so they left her with Hanks elderly mother, Mae, in Kamas. Jasmine was given a choice to stay with the troupe or her mother. Out of loyalty she chose her mom. Life in Kamas was dull, and wet. She was twelve when Irene showed up one random day. Irene stayed and taught Jaz more about magic. But the knowledge that Irene killed Serena was always the elephant in the room. Leda never really got better, but with Jasmine's illusion magic and control getting better, she started coaxing her mother back day by day with an illusion of Serena. Leda was happily lost in delusions of Serena, and she forgot about everything and everyone else. Including Jasmine. They ended up leaving Grandma Mae's home a year later, to travel with the troupe. It was a different world to Jaz, living in the caravans, traveling from place to place, and eating outside around a fire. Her favorite thing was that everyone in the troupe knew her secret and didn't care that she was a mage. The next three years were spent traveling around the lands with the troupe. She even began singing in some of the little musicals. She loved to explore all the new cities and towns they came across. She would help Irene cook up potions, and practice spells. She would help paint sets with Hank and Tomlin. She would stitch up costumes with her Alles, and Harriet. She ran around helping Vaughn, Clyde, and Dexter with the backstage work and shopping. Nights after the shows, were spent dancing and singing around the campfire till late. She helped with the morning puppet shows, and told stories to the towns children. Sadly good things can't last. The troupe was traveling through the southern lands to get to a city called Ballorie. The famous festival of arts was being held there this year, and the troupe never missed it. They had been preforming at the little villages along the way, but it had been a week since they passed the last town, so they were out of food, and needed to stop to hunt and rest. Camp was set up just off the forest road. Jasmine snuck off to explore the forest, instead of helping Harriet and Alles cook. Near midnight she was climbing a tree next to the river far off from the camp. But even from the distance she could hear the screaming coming from the direction of camp. She ran as fast as she could to see what was wrong. Just as she reached the edged of the camp a raider man grabbed her from behind. She struggled to get free, but all she could do was watch as they raided the caravans, and wagons as her group tried to fight them off. Irene used her magic, but after taking two of the raiders out she became depleted and fell to the ground. Her mother, Harriet, and Alles, were already captured and tied to a tree. Tomlin and Hank did the best they could, but were quickly slaughtered by the much stronger raiders. The raiders burned the wagons, after stealing anything of value, they took horses, and shouted and laughed as they talked about selling the woman. In a rage Jaz used her illusion ability, creating a nightmarish swarm of monster bats that surrounded one of the raiders as if attacking. He ran screaming, and impaled himself on a tree branch. Jaz's eyes turned back into there original color as the potion that made her eyes appear brown burned out of her system. The raiders took her for a mage, and in a matter of seconds knocked her to the ground. She could hear her Irene screaming as Jaz laid in the dirt bleeding and bruised. Her friends cries sounded further and further away, as the raiders road of with there haul and the woman. The fire and ash of the caravans, and Hank and Tomlin dead bodies were the only things left other then unconscious Irene and the dying Jasmine. Irene using the last of her magic, and was able to save Jaz from bleeding to death at the cost of her own life. Jasmine awoke to the noon sun shining down through the forest canopy. The smell of cinders and blood, was accompanied by the cheery tweeting of birds in the tree above. She would never see her mother again. Over the next year she lived on her own, and survived, her only thoughts were ones of revenge and finding her mother and the others alive. The raiders had been apart of the Falcon clan, and so began Jaz's falcon hunt. She killed seven Falcon clan raiders before she was caught and thrown in jail, to await her sentence. She was having non of it and broke out as soon as she could. Unfortunately she was now on the hunters radar. A bounty for the mage Jasmine was posted, described with brown eyes, long black hair, small, pale and dangerous. Two years of running, she by pure luck found Harriet, who was selling herself on the streets of Clanark. Thats when she learned the fate of her mother and the other. Dead all of them. She has been living in Voln for the past two years. She is joining up with hopes of snuffing out the whispers of war, and secretly just wants to belong to something.[/hider] [b][color=c5b8cd]Other:[/color][/b] She is [i]not[/i] religious, but she believes more in the False Gods then the creator if anything.