[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/ddgI5Qg.gif [/img][/center] Noel’s eyes sparkled as if a dream had come true. Even if their lives were at stake and people were getting emotional, there was something magical about this situation. Noel didn’t just see chaos; there was something more. Something magical. The revelation of secrets, the turmoil of emotions getting to the point of drama. This was true news worthy of journalism. Noel gleefully recorded the situation with her camera, ensuring she got everything she wanted eternally captured on photographs. This was a feast for the news-hungry masses… if she ever managed to get out of here. Still, she wasn’t completely neglectful of everyone that got swallowed into the chaos. In fact, quite the opposite. After the initial revelations of both Ice and Erin, she quickly changed. She seemed more… vindictive. Her eyes honed in on the trickster viciously. [color=897691]”Alright, time to stop being a bystander. I can’t have you bully my friends, Erin Steele.“[/color] She sneered at him. [color=897691]”I think you forget, you ass, that we don’t need to fully prove your crime at all. We just have to be convinced enough to vote for you. And you think anyone will believe anything you say after you’ve shown your true colours? Well, I got news for you, Erin Steele, the infinite trickster!“[/color] [color=897691]”Newsflash, you’re wrong! “[/color] She grinned viciously. [color=897691]”Act tough while you can, trickster. Very cool, taunting everyone when we can’t touch you. We both know the only thing waiting for you after this trial is death. In other words…“[/color] Noel flailed around gleefully. [color=897691]”EXTRA EXTRA, BREAKING NEWS: The infinite trickster is totally, completely, utterly boned. Spread the word! Erin Steele’s bloody execution awaits! Broadcast live from the trial of carnage!“[/color] Her former gleeful mood and her later vindictive mood seemed to have melded into one. It was a strange sight to say the least. Apparently Noel didn’t feel anything but joy towards the infinite trickster’s imminent execution. [color=897691]”Oh, and if you by some goddarn miracle aren’t the kiler. I’ll totally help Ice kill you during the night of carnage, just so you know. ”[/color] She giggled like a child. [center][img] https://i.imgur.com/Inzj52m.gif[/img][/center] Cyrus didn’t feel bad about being wrong concerning the wallet. Ice had completely found Alice Parker by coincidence. However, the reason he had kept it secret interested him greatly. Cyrus quietly watched the scene unfold. He felt sorry for Ice as he told his story. He had heard of such mafias before, which were able to gain a much more solid stage after the calamity. He had developed policies to keep them at bay, but his work was never done in a day. He hoped to crush gangs like that in due time, so stories like these would never have to be told again. Yes, he’d have to get out. He wondered, would Ice find it troublesome is Cyrus tried to crush both mafias once he got out? That would make for an interesting debate. The revelation of Shaun just saddened him. He had tried to defend him from circumstantial evidence, but the contents of the wallet were truly damning. Unlike Krista, his defense wasn’t built upon a foundation of emotion. He flipped the switch. He felt the anger boil up inside him, but Noel’s words rang true. The trickster may be taunting and angering all of them, but he was naught more than a lamb headed for the slaughter. A tiny dog, all bark and no bite. An ugly creature. [color=D1c2bf]”A few arrows aren’t going to bail you out of this crime, Erin.”[/color] Cyrus said gravely. [color=D1c2bf]”With this revelation, you have just invalidated your own testimony. We can not trust your account of when you were to meet Marianne. Furthermore, she had your motive note.“[/color] He pointed out. [color=D1c2bf]”The fact that you tried to hide your identity by discarding your wallet tells it all. Marianne had your note, and thus knew of your existence. She had to die.“[/color] He stared coldly at the trickster. Cyrus had no mercy for bastards like him. [color=D1c2bf]”And because your account is unreliable, Marianne could’ve easily been killed prior to your meeting with Ice, the monokuma file says as much. You have thus lost your alibi. You can’t hide behind Krista anymore. Your guilt is guaranteed.“[/color] His stare was arrogant, haughty. He looked upon the trickster as a lesser being, barely worth his attention. [color=D1c2bf]”The way you killed Marianne was cruel, gruesome. You truly have feel no sadness for what you have done, do you? In that case, I will feel no remorse as you are executed in such fashion.“[/color] Cyrus shouted out loud. That Ice may calm down. [color=D1c2bf]”Taunt us all you like, trickster. Show us what a sore loser you are!“[/color]