[quote=@Xandrya] My issue with god could be perfectly summed up in this picture. I mean, it's like she took the words right out of my mouth. [img]https://pics.me.me/you-either-have-a-god-who-sends-child-rapists-to-10545548.png[/img] [/quote] [quote=@catchamber] While she raises a good point, there's always another option. Maybe God doesn't give a shit. Maybe God looks at us the same way we look at microbes or domesticated animals. Maybe the Big Bang lagged God's computer so hard, they have no idea that any of this shit is happening, and they're floating around shouting profanities at the infinite void while they wait for the customer support hotline to take them off hold. Not that I'd worship God, no matter what their reasoning is. After all, why the hell would a being capable of creating the universe want or need a mere primate on a hypersonic lavaball to shower it with praises? [/quote] Yeah no that's stupid and wrong, and an immature "objection." This is a simple variation of the Epicurean Paradox issue that is consistently raised to theists as if it's some sort of "aha, gotcha!" style of riposte. However, if people who posted such shit bothered to pull their heads out of their asses for a few moments they'd realize it's already been resolved several times dozens of times across many cultures and eras. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodicy tl;dr "tracie harris" actually gave a damn about anything but being an annoying edgelord she'd know she's raising a rather stupid non-argument. Although perhaps it wasn't wise to share rather basic information since people who say such shit need this bubble of self-righteousness to exist.