[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/sudegnak-no3-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171031/b10c648088433cf11935ff0b1b0a4ef8.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][h3][color=magenta]Chapter 1[/color][/h3][color=darkgray][sub][i]January 12 2079[/i][/sub][/color] "[Colour=Teal]What about you? No bionics, no nothing?[/Colour]" Artem had began pulling free another cigarette. "[Colour=Teal]You know they can make you taller.[/colour]" He quipped back at Varya, unperturbed by her rude comments and even smiling about it. So the obvious wasn’t going to get under his skin, Varya decided she wanted to know what did. Figure it out, much like a puzzle. In that, it provided a challenge. Ultimately capturing her attention successfully. What was interesting was his childhood injury, she figured with his ease and comfort level of his bionics he had many years to grow used to the artificial limbs. She wondered how many years it was ago, how old was Artem when it happened and how old was he now? “[color=B56A7B]I was born with this body and I’m going to die with this body.[/color]” She replied, the scan progressed further. “[color=B56A7B]Who wants to spend a fortune on extended knee caps when a pair of stilts does the same without invasive surgery-[/color]” She shot back sarcastically, the scan complete. She glanced down from Artem and swiped through the reports pulling up the error list. She saw on that was a bit of a weird bug attached to the navigational systems probably causing a small hiccup in the onboard access to the maps. "[color=b56A7B]If the bionics don't chase someone off the tattoos must. You're pretty transparent Dzagoev.[/color]" She tapped the bug and held down to open up a menu. She deleted the bug and immediately her tablet lit up with red error messages piling one on top of the other, “[color=B56A7B]The fuck![/color]” She quickly swept away the messages trying to get back to the diagnostics screen. Her grey eyes grew wide at what she saw now, a full blown virus was quickly deteriorating the navigational hardware frying the board. Replacing something that important on the vessel would cost far more than what the client was expecting to pay for. They could fix it with premium rates… but her ass would be fried up for not catching it before it did any real damage. She shook her head, pushing the idea out. Trying to isolate the aggressive virus, not pausing to think where the original bug was picked up. The hardware began to smoke through the outside. “[color=B56A7B]Dzagoev! Artem, hurry up and disconnect the onboard navigation. Pull it all out! Now![/color]” She furiously began pulling apart the console herself, if Varya and Artem were fast enough they could minimize the damage and fix it in time for the client’s return later.