last minute char submission ho [hider=Captain Piper] [color=FireBrick]Captain Piper Faraday[/color] [color=FireBrick]Kingdom:[/color] Image & Form (Steamworld) [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [color=FireBrick]Written Description:[/color] Piper is a steambot, a sentient robot that runs on coal and water. Has has a mainly copper build with a red chest plate, featuring her power supplying fornace, green pants and brown cowboy boots. Her arms are asymmetrical, with one featuring a three fingered claw and the other a more human 4 fingered hand. She wears an admirals hat on her head that covers her red “hair” and her eyes are solid green lenses. [color=FireBrick]Personality:[/color] Piper is headstrong, independent, fair and tough as nails. She's very friendly and popular among the common people of steamworld despite her profession as a pirate and smuggler. Piper has quite a bit of moral fiber in her, having only taken it up the life of the scoundrel after being branded an outlaw for refused to bomb a town of helpless steambots for the royal army. [color=FireBrick]Game:[/color] SteamWorld Heist [color=FireBrick]Current Story: [/color] After leading her cobbled together crew in first kicking out a necromancer pirate, then overthrowing the Queen and stopping the hive minded votbot threat they accidentally released from the royal vaults, piper, and those of her crew who wanted to stay on with her after their world saving adventure, returned from the depths of space to deal with the fallout of their escapades. Piper and her cowbots have been spending their time doing more legitimate transporting of goods to give aid to the unfortunate as their society recovers from the collapse of the red queen's tyrannical regime. It’s a safer life to be sure but one lacking in the daring adventure, something piper and her crew have come to miss. [color=FireBrick]Weapon(s): [/color] [hider=BlackSmith sniper] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Carrion Pistol] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Brass Knuckles] [img][/img][/hider] [color=FireBrick]Stats:[/color] Level One (P)Damage 3 (P)Defense 2 (M)(E)Damage 1 (M)(E)Defense 2 Dexterity 2 0% XP ////////// (0/10) [color=FireBrick]Squad:[/color] NA [color=FireBrick]General Abilities[/color] Slot One. Ricochet trick shot: Piper is able to predict, using a helpful laser sight and guesswork, the trajectory a shot will ricochet after it strikes a surface. This lets her pull of some impressive feats of marksmanship if the environment is accommodating. Using this she can ping bullets of walls, ceilings and other surfaces to hit targets outside of her direct line of fire. [color=FireBrick]Special Abilities[/color] Slot One. [color=FireBrick]Items[/color] Slot One. Slot Two. Slot Three. [color=FireBrick]Strengths:[/color] [color=FireBrick]Markswoman:[/color] Piper’s an excellent shot, capable of pulling of feats of gunslinging that could be considered impossible by lesser shots. [color=FireBrick]Leadership:[/color] Piper has lead a rag tag bunch of misfits to save the world before and she can do it again if need be. She serves as an inspiration to her crew and tends to bring out the best in people. [color=FireBrick]Mechanical body:[/color] Being made of metal makes her a bit tougher than the average human and lets her parry attacks with her body rather than having to use a weapon or shield to do so. It also means that she can replace parts of herself with new components if she wants or needs to. [color=FireBrick]Space Pirate:[/color] her time as a rogue has given her plenty of experience in extraterrestrial crime, from how to properly board a target ship, to cracking open vaults and getting the job done before any security systems or armed reponses make a clean getaway impossible. [color=FireBrick]Weaknesses:[/color] [color=FireBrick]Steam powered:[/color] being a steampunk robot rather than a biological lifeform means that piper has to have access to burnable fuel and water in order to keep going, though she’s not as fuel hungry as might be expected. Also, if her internal fire ever runs cold she would die, so water in large amounts is rather dangerous to her, as is a lack of oxygen, both things other robots would not have to worry about. [color=FireBrick]Metal body:[/color] being made of metal has its disadvantages, like magnets and sinking in water. Also any damage has to be manually repaired rather than healing naturally over time as it would if she were flesh and blood. [color=FireBrick]Achievements[/color] [/hider]