[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/serif-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171201/ab611ba0ac505035eb9cf6f155f25f99.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] Jinn stood at the Tactical station practicing the finger strokes necessary to perform every procedure from rescue, assault, towing, and several other rarer events she might need to execute. When not at her station or her desk Jinn practices finger exercises by playing the most complex keyboard music she can find. “[i]In mechanical tasks we must surrender ourselves to the rhythm and flow of the devices we seek to use[/i]” she heard her mother say softly in her ear. She smiles remembering her friend Ja’neff a Betazedian who touched her when she was using recall; Ja described it as if she had felt Jinn’s mother as a physical presence; which was how Jinn herself felt such experiences. Her’s was a laser focused memory so when she took the time she recalled past scenes in vivid detail such as her meetings with her Captain, Chief Engineer and First Officer. The Captain was a relaxed sort till he thought he needed to project an aura of command marking him as just as uncertain as the crew of what they were going to do with the Grand. Most young Captains would have been on some auxiliary ship to season them but with the new advanced building project came the Galaxy’s a class of ship that was a Star Fleet Community assigned to deep deployments. Powerful and Stately the huge ships caused any who first gazed on them to be filled with a sense of awe but it was aboard where this ship differed; she was a work of art and she was his to do with as he executed his orders or initiatives. [Center][i]”A man of the hour, Illusions May the stone still stand”[/i][/Center] Typed Jinn in as her pass phrase for the Captain’s file using a strangely polarized font she called the veil and required contacts polarized to see the text or a passphrase to convert to a text that was observable to the naked eye. Next came the CE who was in his own way a potential hurdle higher than any other officer aboard who required a setting of priorities, lanes of communication and an understanding of common ground. He was protective of the Grand and she was the Grand’s assigned protector as it’s weapons officer and security chief which meant their jobs and duties overlapped. This required a measured and emotionally raw approach, like pack animals deciding a pecking order and setting lines of respect, Jinn had to take care in not arousing him in her physical response but thought either doable and he was a big boy and knew this wasn’t the Empire. [center][i]”On the home stone wet your blade We stand as family Storm or Foe we will survive”[/i][/center] She added the CE’s file to her personal files Next was the puzzle Vetek the first officer who seemed ….. Uncertain which seemed odd but not out of personality for even a a Vulcan man new to his position could feel uneasy among people that knew little of Kolinahr. Vulcans or Vulcanoids in general were an interesting branch of the galactic breeds and by far her favorites the Zemi who were so full of life and whose Doctrine of Lollo had become a favorite cultural read. Oh well it wasn’t about the First Officer and any further thought on the matter without wasted till she could gather personal interaction with him. [center][i]”Where are you going In Silence What burns in your heart?”[/i][/center] She adds to her files and brings up Tyr next.