[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/25bc9b6eff6969b2588a42321f636e81.png[/img][/center] [b]Hawkeye Harold[/b] does the sensible thing and cowers in the corner. [@rocketrobie2] There is nothing to Scavenge yet as the next room has not been revealed. [b]Father C[/b] can either wait for [b]Aaron Goldfeld[/b] to [b]Explore the Mine[/b] or [b]Explore the Mine[/b] himself, or wait a turn. [b]Movement:[/b] [won't reping just yet] [indent] [b]Dan[/b] can move [b]1[/b] more this round, he is staying put for now, but free to change his mind if he wishes. [b]Father C[/b] can move [b]1[/b] more this round. [b]Aaron Goldfeld[/b] can move [b]1[/b] more this round. [color=darkgray][i]Scare, the Law Holder is out of movement. Pastor Jimmy is out of movement. Hawkeye Harold is out of movement.[/i][/color] [/indent]