[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=efb4a0][center]Bartholomew Rosecliff [/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [h3][b][i][color=efb4a0][center]Time: 10:37 AM [/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr] A black, fluffy creature pawed at a sound asleep Bartholomew's face, giving a light "[i]meow[/i]", causing the boy's eyes to slowly creek open. "[color=efb4a0]Ughhhh.[/color]" He sleepily moaned, lazily lifting his hand and resting it on the cat, Lucky's, head. "[color=efb4a0]What time is it?[/color]" He murmured, reaching to the side of his head with his other hand, and grabbing for his phone to check the time. 10:37, as it turned out. "[color=efb4a0]Alright alright buddy, I'll get up.[/color]" He conceded, stretching a bit, and causing Lucky, who was previously finding himself comfortable sitting on Bart's lap, to tumble over onto the side of the bed. Freeing himself from the tight wrapping of sheets he was cocooned in, he went over to his dresser, and grabbed for a T-shirt that was lightly too big for him, and a pair of jeans. He looked back at his cat, and exhaled, "[color=efb4a0]We gotta head out and get you to the vet today Lucky, I gotta shower first, but right after that yeah?[/color]" The cat sprawled back on the bed, and Bart made his way over to the bathroom. His room was about as sparse as could be, he had a desktop quietly sitting powered off in the corner, and light easily streaming into the room through moth-eaten curtains. The walls were covered in a cracked and peeling dull orange paint, with his bed sitting on the wall opposite the door. The last things of note were his dresser sitting next to his door, and the bathroom door directly opposite that. Soon, Bart had made his way in there, his refection showing in the cracked mirror above the sink. His hair was as messed up as usual, with his emerald green eyes staring back at him. A small smile broke on his face, sure, the apartment was crap, but there he was. He'd made it, independent, with a bright future, and most importantly, his own cat. He closed the door behind him, stripped down out of his pajama's, and hopped in the shower. The water was lukewarm at best, but never cold. "[color=efb4a0]I wonder what's wrong with the heater...?[/color]" He thought to himself, leaning against the wall of the shower. He didn't know too much about how water heaters worked, but this was where he could make some educated guesses. "[color=efb4a0]Well, this is a pretty old building, so the system can't be that sophisticated.[/color]" He reasoned, soaking his hair down, "[color=efb4a0]Something's probably heating water in a tank up to a preset temperature, and then keeping it there.[/color]" He lathered up a bit of soap and began to shave, "[color=efb4a0]That's how I'd do it anyway, so the landlord's either set the temperature terribly low, or whatever's heating it has gone bad. I'll have to look into how these things work later, if it's the latter, I could fix it myself.[/color]" He planned, making that mental note as he washed his hair and body. He liked to play these kinds of games with himself when he woke up, it helped get his mind going. Figuring out puzzles just from what he could reason on the spot was surprisingly fun. Soon, he turned off the water, and reached for his towel and began to dry himself. Soon he was dressed, and opened the door to find Lucky patiently waiting for him. Bart shot him a smile and stepped past him. "[color=efb4a0]Alright, I'd like some food before we our appointment then.[/color]" He said, reaching for his bag. He didn't have a cat carrier yet, it was on his list, but he hadn't had the time to get out and get one. Their appointment was at one, and it was pretty close to 11:30 now, so he figured he'd have more than enough time to grab a bite. He unzipped his bag, took out his laptop, and motioned for Lucky to get in. The bag was just big enough where his head would be poking out. Lucky gave him a look as if to say, "[i]Really?[/i]" But reluctantly climbed in. Bart zipped up the bag, giving Lucky's head plenty of wiggle room, slipped on his shoes, and was quickly out the door. Bart entered the address of the veterinary clinic into his phone, and set it to find places to eat along the way. Club Afterdark popped up on his phone, and it was the closest place on route, so he settled on checking them out. He'd only been to eat on the other side of the city, so getting to know people in his neighborhood would surely be nice. As he walked, he gave period looks behind him at Lucky, who bobbed in his bag, and looked mildly annoyed at the whole situation. "[color=efb4a0]Sorry sorry.[/color]" He said with an apologetic smile, "[color=efb4a0]I promise this won't be a typical thing buddy.[/color]" Soon though, he was in front of the Club, and stepped inside.