[color=00a651]"I have no idea what's going to happen but I just hope it won't be too bad. I cant stay long though would you like to come tonight and have dinner with me and we can catch up on the last day?"[/color] Welkins said, smiling again. Reia could tell he didn't feel as happy as he was letting on though, and she tilted her head to the side slightly. She figured she wouldn't say anything in regards to that though, since she knew that he was probably extremely worried about this situation. He seemed to be very in tune with his job. [color=f6989d]"Dinner sounds nice, I'll see you then."[/color] She smiled softly at him, hoping that her calmness would help relax him. Finally she stood up, despite being so much shorter than Welkins, so she could be more face to face. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek slightly, before turning to head to her classes. She would need to make up for the day before.