The presence of the young blonde in her shop during closed hours was a nice one. It wasn’t often that she had visitors, so it was nice to have someone to talk to, much less help her with the groceries. The companionship of having a visitor was nice and the room itself seemed to fill with an unseen happiness as the young man bounced around helping her with her much needed tasks. Maybe this was what it was like to have company… maybe she should get a cat. “Questions? Sure! I’ll do what I can.” She responded in a bright and cheery tone matching Naruto as she began to load the eggs in the proper storage area in the fridge. However, his question about Kakashi nearly made her drop the egg she was holding. Kakashi? Down? He always seemed so happy and relaxed, almost bored with everything around his life yet… he was ‘down’ or being pushed down by an unseen force of stress. It came as a complete and utter surprise to her that he would notice such a little thing on someone who was as unreadable as Kakashi. \ Realizing that her pause was probably longer than it should have been she broke from her surprised expression into a smile. “I’m afraid I don’t have much of an answer for you about Kakashi, but I can tell you about the garden.” She responded innocently as she leaned against the counter. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you and I work on the garden together? When you have free time between missions and training you can come over here and we’ll plant, water and weed together. You help with the work and I’ll give you half of what grows. And don’t worry, if it’s time to harvest and you’re gone I’ll save a box of what grows for you and you can pick it up at any time. Okay… as long as it’s not in the middle of the night that might not be the best time. But any other time would work okay. If the shops open come in through the front and if it’s not just come around the back and ring the bell.” “How… how does Kakashi seem different when I’m around?” She questioned softly as she wrapped up putting the rest of the groceries. She… she had to ask, could you blame her? ---- [color=violet]His question was an honest one. However it was enough to make her laugh, as a matter of fact, her laughter was loud enough that it rang like bells throughout her house. “Honestly, that’s your question?” She asked in a cheeky fashion as she tucked her hand under her chin and watched him closely. “I’ve been on plenty of dates. But none as important as the one person I would like to go out with. But… he recently came off the market.” She expressed with a rather tired sounding sigh. “As for Airi, it’s to my understanding that she’s been out on a few dates not arranged by our parents but not many. She’s mentioned maybe two but said they were either awkward or they just didn’t click. As a matter of fact I don’t think she’s been on one since about a year after she open the shop so… four years ago.” A shrug rose and fell a single shoulder as she seemed rather bored with the conversation. Pulling her head from her hand and leaning back in her chair she stared down the man across the table. “So. Friend-Of-Airi, why do you ask?”[/color]