So i came across two realizations: 1. I have season 1 on disc why the heck am i waiting for the interwebs. Season 1 is shady on most of it because i didnt care for half the episodes only how some of it went who won but how anyone got what and all that. 2. I want Jaden to duel ao he can get into Duelist Kingdom. That means he needs a few Duels and some Jaden can ran off while Joey duels Mai or something along those lines. But needs at least maybe two duels that need focus on too and make sure there ones that its wouldnt mess things up too much on how star chips and stuff was gotten but already know that that might happen anyway so have be slightly creative one saying that some duels happened that got them those chips since we are doing that with Jaden quite a bit. ANYWAY! Think we can pin Jaden against the Zombie Duelist who is with Bandit Keith and tag team with Yugi? I wouldnt know what others we can put Jaden against but those were straight forward off the top of my head ideas.