Welkins wasn't expecting Reia to kiss his cheek. It really took him by surprise and sent a shiver down his spine. Not a bad feeling, but not one he was used to at all. He watched as she turned and left the other way, then started to walk to Amleth's office. It wasn't to far from where the lecture theater was, but with all the people in the way either leaving to meet with Kalona or just running to classes, the halls were hectic. After waiting and pushing a little, Welkins finally made it to Amleth's office. It didn't surprise him that he wasn't there yet. There was probably a lot of questions being asked and whatnot. It didn't matter to much if Amleth was late or not. This was a big deal and he didn't want anyone to be overly freaked out. Not but five minutes later Amleth came in. [color=00aeef]"Sorry for the wait Welkins. It's pretty crazy out there."[/color] Amleth gave a weary smile then went to sit at his desk. [color=00aeef]"All right now I'm not going to waist your time so I'm just going to cut right to the chase. I know Kalona said he didn't want and students to help out with this, but if it wasn't for you we wouldn't know anything about this. Felix doesn't think that this is a big deal. He's probably just mad that you are that one who grabbed this data. We all know he has something against your father and naturally that means you too. At least in his eyes. But that's besides the point. I wan't you to keep doing what you're doing and keep look out at night. I trust the hunters to do their jon, but no one has that eye like yours."[/color] Amleth always like praising Welkins and it was always nice to hear it, but this was going against Kalona and even though Amleth didn't answer to him, it was still a scary thought to go against his wishes. [color=00aeef]"Now I know that this isn't what Kalona wanted, but I really think that we need you too. You don't have to say anything right now. The offer is on the table. Just give me an answer before tonight okay?"[/color] And that was it. Amleth nodded his head and let Welkins leave without letting him say a word. Obviously he was going to say yes. The town meant a lot to him and now that he had someone he wanted to impress, Welkins wanted to protect it and her more than ever. Now wasn't the time to think about that yet. It was almost time for weaponry and he couldn't wait to see Reia again. Regardess of what happened before she left.